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Component polysulfide sealant

Component polysulfide sealant
Component polysulfide sealant
Component polysulfide sealant

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Company:Changtai Engineering Hengshui Rubber Co.
Information Name: Component polysulfide sealant
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Component polysulfide sealant system with liquid polysulfide rubber as the main material, in line with the tackifying resin, curing agents, accelerators, reinforcing agents sealant made. Such sealant with excellent resistance to oil, hydraulic oil, water and various chemical properties and resistance to heat and atmospheric aging. Component polysulfide sealant to the liquid polysulfide rubber as the main base material, adding a variety of chemical agents at room temperature through a special process is made of synthetic polymer material capable of self-crosslinking curing two-component sealant for metal and concrete and other materials with good adhesion, can be in a continuous stretch, to maintain good air tightness and water resistance vibration and temperature changes, continuous stretching, vibration and temperature changes to maintain good air tightness and water resistance, the and oil resistance, solvent resistance, durability is very good. Component polysulfide dense cream product performance complex performance: non-sag, high elongation, low modulus polysulfide sealant building completely cured rubber-like elastomer. Mix: the main agent (A): a curing agent (B) = 100: 10 (parts by weight, the standard state), depending on the season, the geographical variation in temperature. Fluctuation range length, group B component can be much curing agent to adjust the amount of pot between 8-12. Polysulfide waterproof sealant suitable for sealing joints in building long-term immersion, and Concrete bonding properties, such as: underground waterproof seams, runways, storage dirt, cesspools, underground engineering, large-scale water conservancy projects are used polysulfide sealant, it has anti-aging, durability, air tightness and water resistance, good adhesion of high elongation elastomer rubber shape, is now in the domestic part of the large reservoirs, cisterns, cesspools, underground engineering It has been used in this product, praised by engineering and technical personnel. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Changtai Engineering Hengshui Rubber Co.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Xiaohui Jing(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0318-7080882
Company Address: Hengshui City, Hebei Province, Hengshui City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 053000
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