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Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation

Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation
Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation
Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation

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Company:Langfang Venus Chemical Company
Information Name: Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Buried anti-corrosion pipe insulation buried pipe trench dimensions price should meet the requirements shown below: 1, local ditch at the bottom of the upper bearing capacity ≤ 60KPa, the bottom of the trench should be padded plain concrete layer. 2, C15 plain concrete should be compacted soil layer at the bottom, and then pouring concrete, concrete floor surface should be smooth. When the soil is wet bottom collapsible soil, should be replaced (about depth 1.0m) and compaction. 3, trench width and depth of a trench joints should increase over non-joint 250 ~ 300mm. 4, with the bellows location, soil bellows bottom elevation should be determined according to the size of the actual arrival of the compensator. 5, the ditch along the upper slope of the line should be consistent with the slope of the pipeline. 6, around the buried pipe 100mm solid throughout with fine sand. Sand diameter should be less than 8mm, can not fit in the sand clay, brick, stone, iron and other debris. 7, when the tube is located in the truth slag, debris and other corrosive soil area, backfill should be replaced with less corrosive soils and layered foundation. 8, the trench must be good drainage work, it can be drains, sump pumps excluded. Pipeline installation pipeline excavation and ditch soil treatment must be qualified in a tubular ditch. NOTE When installing the following requirements; 1, before the pipeline trench at the need for a serious review of its surface coating, the coating was found damaged and should be treated promptly. 2, pipe butt, pipeline design should ensure that the axis and slope. 3, prefabricated pipe insulation can install a single crane into the trench, may be two or more organizations after welding lifting. When the group long pipe section, to use two or more cranes lift tube down tube, the position of lifting point selected by the equilibrium conditions. It is forbidden to directly push the pipe into the trench. 4, pipe welding work is completed and passed the test, they can deal with insulation joints, work jacket pipe connections, can be carried out formwork polyurethane foam, and then shrink with the joint part of the overall seal both ends Straight each overlap 100mm; also the first outer tube welded process, and after passing through the opening foam seal checks. 5, the date of completion of the project should be the end of the tube with a blind plate sealed to prevent mud and water into the tube. 6, prefabricated cold insulation installation, installation and one-time compensation of warm prestressing installed in three ways. 7, cold-install is the direct connection of each pipe section, and after inspection standard backfill can be; 8, hot prestressed pipeline installation is first preheated to 60% of the working temperature of the solder, and then backfill compaction. 9, the one-time compensation must be raised to 60% in the pipeline operating temperature soldering, and then backfill and compaction. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Langfang Venus Chemical Company
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Liu Zhongcheng()
Telephone Number: 0316-5953396
Company Address: Langfang, Langfang City, Hebei Province, China
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