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Automatic water softening equipment

Automatic water softening equipment
Automatic water softening equipment
Automatic water softening equipment

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Company:Tai'an City Goldwater Lung Metal Container Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Automatic water softening equipment
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Automatic water softening device is a device demineralized water hardness function has, since the hardness of the water is mainly formed of calcium, magnesium, automatic water softening equipment, ion exchange resin, removal of calcium and magnesium ions scaling. As with the hardness ions in raw water through the inner exchanger resin layer, water calcium and magnesium ions then replaced occurrence and resin adsorption of sodium ions, resin adsorption of calcium and magnesium ions and sodium ions into the water, so that the outflow from the exchanger remove the hardness of the water is softened. The water, Ca2 +, Mg2 + (the formation of scale main ingredient) to displace, as in the resin Ca2 +, Mg2 + increases, the resin to remove Ca2 +, Mg2 + performance decreases, it is necessary to carry out the regeneration process is the salt in the salt water washing the resin layer, the hardness of the resin ion exchange out again, with the regeneration waste water discharge tank, then the resin to restore the softening exchange. Automatic water softening equipment using ion exchange resin, removal of calcium and magnesium ions scaling. As with the hardness ions in raw water through the inner exchanger resin layer, water calcium and magnesium ions then replaced occurrence and resin adsorption of sodium ions, resin adsorption of calcium and magnesium ions and sodium ions into the water, so that the outflow from the exchanger remove the hardness of the water is softened. The company's main products are: (a) non-standard equipment manufacture one, two, three types of pressure vessels, various tanks, liquid ammonia storage tanks, heat exchangers, towers, large tanks, ducts, installation; (b) power plant, power plant boiler water treatment equipment, heating network, heat deaerator, steam generator equipment; (iii) metallurgical and mining coal chemical engineering non-standard pressure containers series. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Tai'an City Goldwater Lung Metal Container Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Zhao(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0538-8873888
Company Address: Tai'an City, Shandong Province Zhu Township Industrial Park, Taian City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 271000
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