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Flexible post How can sell? Zhengzhou How can sell flexible post specifically for manufacturers

Flexible post How can sell? Zhengzhou How can sell flexible post specifically for manufacturers
Flexible post How can sell? Zhengzhou How can sell flexible post specifically for manufacturers
Flexible post How can sell? Zhengzhou How can sell flexible post specifically for manufacturers

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Company:Zhengzhou pilot Traffic Technology Co.
Information Name: Flexible post How can sell? Zhengzhou How can sell flexible post specifically for manufacturers
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Manufacturers of flexible post one column, low center of gravity. Day and night high visibility fluorescent red warning column highlighting high-strength film makes more obvious and more secure. Good weather resistance. High temperature: 65 ℃. No distortion, low temperature: - 30 ℃ not crack. UV protection. 80 degrees can distort crushes, top floor. Restitution of no more than 20 seconds. Good flexibility. Can not afraid to roll and hit the vehicle. Even if the vehicle hit a second time will not cause harm. A set of multi-purpose products, the main use of PE material with rubber base made products, fashionable and unique overturning feature protects the product without damage to the vehicle after the collision and vehicle combination, unique ring on top to make it easy to move, with all kinds of reflective rod and supporting the use of plastic warning chain can play a protective and isolation. rubber bollard (warning column) impact resistant characteristics, the rolling force can quickly bounce back restitution. Isolation between urban intersection, lanes, sidewalks, buildings, make vehicles serve as a warning. The main raw materials: natural rubber, nanometer ultraviolet shielding agent, rubber paint, reflective lattice rubber bollard features: 1. made of natural rubber, with good flexibility 2. Meng strong to withstand shocks, after shock quickly restitution. 3. Column wall thickness 3mm, strong and durable. The good reflective properties, clear outline road profile. 5. The reflector may be reflective film or reflective film, reflective sheet tightly fixed to the cylinder with rivets, reflective film tightly Adhesion 6. normal rain and snow to work on cylinder 7. easy to install, maintain few white families now:.. 15936288568 QQ2016015936 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhengzhou pilot Traffic Technology Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. White now Branch()
Telephone Number: 0371-86596867
Company Address: Zhengzhou City Administration, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
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