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Nanning children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Liuzhou, Pingxiang children play stone ..

Nanning children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Liuzhou, Pingxiang children play stone ..
Nanning children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Liuzhou, Pingxiang children play stone ..
Nanning children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Liuzhou, Pingxiang children play stone ..

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Company:Nanning Yong Miao Drainage Material Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Nanning children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Liuzhou, Pingxiang children play stone ..
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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Children playing quartz sand Nanning, Liuzhou children play quartz sand, quartz sand for children to play in Pingxiang, Chongzuo quartz sand for children to play, where to sell children's Guangxi rustle both solid and fluid, volatile and susceptible to grasp it, it was not exhausted and inexhaustible form of play and development to meet the needs of children and heart operations essentially creative. Psychologists believe that playing with sand only a game, more important is the baby's growth has too many advantages: First, develop a sense of perception early development of infants developed mainly perception of motion, sand can provide special perception. In the process of playing in the sand, they will be exposed to different textures of sand, such as wet sand, dry sand, sand and other particles of different thickness. Sand has mobility, stepping up will sag, especially when grabbed a handful of sand, fingers sand flow give children a special experience, the development of the baby's perception. Second, practice hand coordination, promote the development of the hand muscles when you play in the sand, the baby hard beat of sand or sand with a shovel to scoop up, this action can fine motor development of the child's wrist, skilled body coordination, you can also control the hand muscle action. Not only promote physical development, but also promoted the development of the brain. Third, play sand can develop creativity Creativity is at the heart of intelligence. Sand play the game itself is no fixed play and the inevitable outcome, thus giving the baby a lot of space to the fullest of their imagination and creativity. They can be arbitrarily dig holes in the sand, trenching, fun games to promote the baby more "invented" a different play, the baby's ability to create awareness and also began to grow up. Fourth, get to meet the emotional game playing with sand to give the baby a lot of satisfaction and accomplishment. Baby unrestrained, free to play when the sand, naturally cheerful mood. Baby can use your favorite way to play, feel the joy of self-control, their mood will be very happy. For those who lack self-confidence or withdrawal within a relatively baby, the more satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. Five, increase cognitive spatial relationships with sand do "poured into the" game, but give him more fun. When the baby by shovel sand bucket relationship (container) and sand (content) have a preliminary understanding between, especially in containers filled with sand to flip over, appeared one by one shape, but further development of the baby spatial relationships cognitive ability. Six sand deepen feelings between parents and baby is the best gift a gift of nature. Children playing with sand is the most intimate contact with nature, where they will be immersed, linger 
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Company Name: Nanning Yong Miao Drainage Material Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Manager Zhao()
Telephone Number: 0771-3818252
Company Address: Xixiangtang District of Nanning City Road on the 9th show car, Nanning City, Guangxi, China
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