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2013--2018 China's aluminum industry market dynamic focus and investment value analysis report forecasting

2013--2018 China's aluminum industry market dynamic focus and investment value analysis report forecasting
2013--2018 China's aluminum industry market dynamic focus and investment value analysis report forecasting
2013--2018 China's aluminum industry market dynamic focus and investment value analysis report forecasting

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2013--2018 China's aluminum industry market dynamic focus and investment value analysis report forecasting ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 71500〗 〖completion date of August 2013 〖Delivery 〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖Customer Service QQ 〗 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/yejinxingye/yousejinshu/71500.html (Click to see main text) [Report Contents] Chapter One aluminum profile 1 Related introduce a Section 1 of aluminum, aluminum 1 natural attributes Second, the basic purpose of an aluminum three characteristics of a four aluminum toxicity and harm aluminum aluminum 4 3 Section I. Classification of aluminum alloy 4 II. , cast aluminum 5 III classification, five four state aluminum products, alumina, aluminum typical use 6 Section 11 a, 11 two properties of alumina, alumina varieties and uses 13 Third, nano-alumina Introduction 14 Chapter Chapter II aluminum mineral resources and the development of analytical Section 15 of the world bauxite reserves and a production condition 15, the world's bauxite reserves and distribution of 15 Second, the characteristics of the world's bauxite industry 15 Third, the world's bauxite industry trends 17 Section 17 before a Chinese bauxite resources, the distribution of bauxite reserves 17 Second, the characteristics of bauxite resources 18 III bauxite deposit type 19 Fourth, bauxite mineral material characteristics 19 V. spatial and temporal distribution of bauxite deposit and metallogenic law 21 Section 23 a typical Chinese bauxite deposit, Shandong Zibo Wangcun Bauxite 23 Second, Pingguo bauxite deposit 23 Third, Hainan Penglai bauxite deposit 24 Fourth, Shanxi Xiaoyi bauxite bed 25 g Russian Five, Zunyi, Guizhou Gou Jiang bauxite deposit 26 Sixth, Guizhou Xiuwen bauxite mines 27 hill dam seven Henan Xin Zhang Kiln House bauxite deposits in the fourth quarter 28 Chinese Bauxite Resources Development 29 First, a brief history of bauxite mining of 29 two, three bauxite production layout 31, 34 four bauxite geological exploration, environmental protection bauxite 36 V, bauxite beneficiation and processing technology 37 V "five" new reserves of bauxite analysis and forecasting analysis of 37 of the second part of the development of the industry in the world aluminum industry analysis Chapter 39 Section 39 of the world aluminum industry analysis One, the world's aluminum industrial development features 39 Second, the world's aluminum industry is facing the challenge 39 Third, the world aluminum industry consolidation and international business characterized by a significant 40 IV 2012 global aluminum industry overview 40 V. 2012 global aluminum market situation analysis 43 VI 2012 Global aluminum inventory 45 seven industrial activity, the global aluminum market demand and consumer market situation and prospects of the United States 55 a Section 54, Alcoa production and imports analysis 55 Second, the analysis of consumer market situation Alcoa 56 Third, the future of Alcoa trends electrolysis industry 57 IV 2012 aluminum shipments in the United States 59 V. US China Aluminum preliminary anti-dumping Brazil 60 a Section 59, 2012. Analysis of 60 two aluminum production in Brazil, 2013 Brazilian aluminum demand forecast 61 Third, the future prospects of the Brazilian aluminum industry is bleak fourth quarter 62 Russia 62 a, a brief history of the Russian aluminum industry 62 Second, the revival of the Russian aluminum industry analysis 63 Third, 2010--2012 Aluminium production in the Gulf Russia Analysis of 66 V 67 a country, the Gulf countries Aluminium case 67 Second, the Gulf States 10 years aluminum production forecast 68 III.Investment Gulf aluminum industry will surge 69 VI 69 a Guinea, Guinea aluminum resources in the international aluminum market 69 II. Guinea stop exporting bauxite to develop domestic aluminum 70 Third, Guinea invest in the development of aluminum industry policy analysis 70 Section VIII developments in other countries and regions 71 a Jamaican bauxite industry is facing development bottlenecks 71 Third, the status of the Indian aluminum industry analysis of 73 Fourth, Tajikistan Aluminum Situation and Prospects 75 V, the aluminum industry in Australia Current Situation and Prospects Analysis 77 Chapter Chinese aluminum industry analysis Section 84 Chinese aluminum industry a general overview of 84, China Aluminum Industry general overview 84 Second, the layout of China's aluminum industry analysis of 85 Third, the impact China's aluminum industry on the world aluminum market and 87 Four, 2012 Chinese aluminum industry Events 89 Section 93 a Chinese aluminum market analysis, in 2012 China's aluminum market conditions 93 Second, the 2013 aluminum market analysis and outlook 102 Third, the Chinese aluminum market supply and demand analysis of 114 Fourth, the Chinese aluminum market capacity analysis of 114 V, 116 Chinese bauxite demand growth accelerated six mineral aluminum production capacity China Statistics 116 Section International Alumina market profiles 133 a, 2008--2012 global alumina production data 133 Second, 2010--2012, China's alumina production statistics 136 Third, China's alumina overcapacity situation in 143 Fourth, China's future alumina prices trend analysis section 145 four regeneration Aluminium 146 a situation analysis, China's secondary aluminum industry status quo analysis 146 Second, China scrap recycling cans condition 149 Third, China Ash extract alumina realize industrialization 151 Fourth, the Chinese aluminum supply 151 V regeneration Situation competitiveness of China's aluminum industry analysis 153 a connotation and evaluation principles aluminum industry competitiveness 153 Second, the evaluation methods and the aluminum industry competitiveness index 153 Third, the aluminum industry competitiveness evaluation 155 four aluminum industrial competitiveness Conclusions 156 Chapter chapters 2010--2012 aluminum mining industry of China Economic Data Analysis 158 Section 2010--2012 National Aluminium Dressing a 158 owners to economic indicators, the 2011 National Aluminium Dressing owners to economic indicators 158 II. 2012 National Aluminium Dressing owners to Section 159 economic indicators 2010--2012 National and provincial aluminum mining industry sales data analysis 160 First, the 2011 national and provincial aluminum mining industry sales data analysis 160 two , 2012 national and provincial aluminum mining industry sales data analysis 162 Section 2010--2012 National and provincial aluminum mining industry assets and liabilities analysis 163 First, the 2011 national and provincial aluminum mining industry assets liability analysis 163 Second, the 2012 national and provincial aluminum mining industry balance analysis 164 IV 2010 - Chinese provinces and cities nationwide and industry-scale aluminum mining industry in 2012 analysis of 167 a 2011 national and provincial aluminum mining industry of industrial scale 167 Second, in 2012 the national and provincial scale analysis of aluminum mining and dressing industry 168 V 2010--2012 National and provincial aluminum mining industry profitability analysis 169 First, in 2011 the country and provincial aluminum mining industry profitability analysis 169 Second, the 2012 national and provincial aluminum mining industry profitability analysis 170 Chapter 2010--2012 China's aluminum smelting industry economic data of 172 Section 2010- 2012 national aluminum smelting industry a major economic indicators 172, 2011 national aluminum smelting industry of major economic indicators 172 Second, the 2012 national aluminum smelting industry, the main economic indicators 173 Section 2010--2012 National and provincial aluminum smelting industry sales data Analysis of a 175, 2011 national and provincial aluminum smelting industry sales data analysis 175 Second, the 2012 national and provincial aluminum smelting industry sales data analysis 178 Section 2010--2012 National and provincial balance aluminum smelting industry analysis 182 First, the 2011 national and provincial aluminum smelting industry analysis of assets and liabilities 182 Second, the 2012 national and provincial balance aluminum smelting industry analysis 186 IV 2010 - and the Chinese provinces and cities nationwide scale aluminum smelting industry, a 2012 analysis of 190, 2011 national and provincial scale aluminum smelting industry analysis 190 Second, the national and provincial scale aluminum smelting industry in 2012 analyzed 192 V 2010--2012 National and provincial aluminum smelting industry profitability analysis 195 First, the 2011 national and provinces aluminum smelting industry profitability analysis 195 Second, the 2012 national and provincial aluminum smelting industry profitability analysis 200 Part III sub-sector analysis of Chapter VII of the development of China's aluminum industry analysis Section 204 Chinese aluminum industry overall development Overview 204 First, in 2011 the development of China's electrolytic aluminum industry analysis 204 Second, the access conditions conducive to the development of electrolytic aluminum smelting industry 207 Third, the price of electrolytic aluminum enterprises are facing upward pressure 208 Fourth, the status of Chinese aluminum production capacity analysis 209 Fifth, China in the next few Limitation aluminum project before 209 VI 2012 aluminum production capacity or extra-economic crisis level of 210 Chinese aluminum industry development proposals Section 211 a, 2005--2012 China's primary aluminum production statistics 211 Second, should a correct view of China's electrolytic aluminum industry development 212 Third, to improve the aluminum industry economic management ideas and countermeasures 214 Fourth, the aluminum industry of low-carbon development path 217 Chinese aluminum market forecast Section 219 of Chapter VIII Section 222 Aluminum Futures Market Analysis China Nonferrous 222 a metal futures market analysis, non-ferrous metals futures markets to achieve positive interaction Spot 222 II Development of China's non-ferrous metals futures market 225 Third, the futures market to help China Nonferrous Metals Industry 226 through the financial crisis, China Aluminum Futures Market Analysis Section 227 First, the aluminum futures trading characteristics analysis 227 Second, the aluminum futures Section 227 participants urgently diversify the Shanghai Futures Exchange aluminum contract and the relevant provisions of the standard 229 First, the Shanghai Futures Exchange aluminum standard contract 229 Second, the Shanghai Futures trading rules and the relevant provisions of Chapter IX 232 Import and Export Market Factors Affecting 241 Section 241 a Chinese aluminum import and export, import and export of RMB appreciation Aluminum 241 Second, the domestic import and export related to alumina and aluminum provisions 242 Third, part of aluminum products import and export tariffs adjustment 242 Fourth, the impact of imports of aluminum on the Chinese market 242 V, 2012 US "double reverse" the negative impact on China's aluminum industry to show China's aluminum industry 246 Section II 248 a general overview of the import and export, import and export situation of the aluminum industry in 2011 analyzed 253 Second, the 2012 analysis of 253 Section 260 of aluminum and its products import and export data import and export situation of an aluminum industry, in 2011 China's import and export aluminum major National Data 261 Second, in 2012 China's import and export data 274 aluminum companies and the fourth part of Key Area Chapter 278 Section analysis Alcoa Aluminum Corporation of China 278 I. Company Overview 278 Second, 2010--2012 Corporate operation analysis 278 Third, 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 280 Fourth, in 2012 corporate developments and strategies 286 V. outlook and strategic future development of enterprises in Yunnan Aluminum Co., Ltd. 290 289 Section I. Company Overview 290 two , 2010--2012 291 Corporate business case analysis III 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 293 Fourth, the 2012 business developments and strategies 298 V. outlook and strategic future development of enterprises Section 299 Henan Zhongfu Industrial Co., Ltd. 299 I. Company Overview 300 Second, 2010--2012 Corporate operation analysis 300 Third, 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 301 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 307 Fifth, the future development of the business outlook and strategy 308 IV Shanxi Guanlu Co., Ltd. 313 I. Company Overview 313 Second, 2010--2012 313 Corporate business case analysis III 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 314 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 320 V Jiaozuo Wanfang Chalco 321 I. Company Overview 321 Second, 2010--2012 321 Corporate business case analysis III 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 322 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 328 V. Prospects and future development of enterprises 329 Section VI Strategic Aluminum Co., Ltd. Jiangsu often 330 I. Company Overview 330 Second, 2010--2012 330 Corporate business analysis Third, 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 332 Fourth, business developments and future development strategy Looking VII Shandong Nanshan Aluminum Co., Ltd. 337 339 I. Company Overview 339 Second, 2010--2012 340 Corporate business case analysis III 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 342 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 348 VIII Guangdong East Sunshine Aluminum Co., Ltd. 350 I. Company Overview 350 Second, 2010--2012 351 Corporate business case analysis III 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 353 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 359 IX 361 public and Xinjiang Ltd. I. Company Overview 361 Second, 2010--2012 362 Corporate business analysis Third, 2010--2012 Corporate Finance Data Analysis 363 Fourth, in 2011 corporate developments and strategies 370 XI The main area of ??aluminum industry analysis Chapter 372 Section 372 a Henan, Zhengzhou Aluminum Industry Adversity 2011 seeking self-help 372 Second, Henan bauxite resource bottlenecks solved 374 Third, the power shortage caused by the end of 2012 and then Henan electrolytic aluminum production 375 IV. Henan aluminum industry is facing strategic shift 375 Fifth, the "five-second" by the aluminum industry in Henan province to province change 383 Sixth, the development of the aluminum industry in Henan Province Measures of Shanxi 387 385 Section One, Shanxi bauxite resources and exploration Development status of 387 Second, Shanxi bauxite exploitation Problems 388 Third, Shanxi bauxite resources development planning 389 Fourth, Shanxi Open 2012 aluminum industry, eliminate backward production capacity 400 V, Shanxi Aluminum Industry Restructuring Planning and Implementation 401 Section 404 of Guangxi region a dominant development of aluminum industry in Guangxi region many 404 Second, the development of the aluminum industry in Guangxi reasons behind 405 Third, the Guangxi aluminum industry development measures and recommendations 406 IV Baise to build Asia's aluminum industrial base 407 V. Guangxi Mineral boost "one hundred billion yuan aluminum industry" development 408 409 a fourth Guizhou Province, Guizhou Province to promote the economic development of the aluminum industry cycle 409 Second, Guizhou Aluminum Industry Development Goals established 409 Third, Guizhou aluminum industry rely on resources derived vigor 410 Fourth, northern Guizhou found that large-scale bauxite 411 Fifth, the "Guizhou Province and Guiyang City, accelerate the build aluminum industrial base 412 VI 30 billion expansion of the aluminum electrolytic Aluminum Integrated Guizhou 413 Section 5 Other areas 414 a, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region bigger and stronger aluminum industry chain 414 Second, the gradual improvement of Hubei Yangxin aluminum industry chain 415 Third, the future of the aluminum industry output is expected to Qianjiang Chaobaiyi 416 Fourth, the Ningxia aluminum industry has become an important province 416 Part V industry development environment Chapter XII technology industry environment analysis Section 418 aluminum production process 418 a, 418 two aluminum production and processing processes, electrolytic process 422 Third, the alumina production process 423 Fourth, analysis of aluminum scrap recycling process 427 Fifth, anodized aluminum and staining analysis 428 Section 436 aluminum production technology analysis I. Introduction 436 two aluminum casting, heat treatment of aluminum alloy 438 III 441 four anodized aluminum processing, aluminum alloy hot-top electromagnetic Section 445 casting technology development of China's aluminum industry technology 446 a, the aluminum reduction cell technology Breakthrough 446 Second, the square and aluminum heat exchange technology by identifying 447 Third, the development of green aluminum smelting technology, 448 Fourth, the United States launched The new aluminum casting technology 451 V. ultra-lightweight aluminum wheel technology breakthrough 453 Sixth, clad alloy aluminum electrolysis technology research and development to fill the gaps 453 Chapter XIII 2013--2018 Aluminium industry environment analysis Section 454 aluminum industry Development of economic environment in 454 a 2012 analysis of macroeconomic indicators 454 Second, the 2012 macroeconomic outlook and policy Prospects 461 Section 469 aluminum industry development policy environment First, the relevant state industrial policy aluminum profiles 469 Second, the relevant national aluminum industry, environment protection regulations 470 Third, China is expected to increase export tax rebate aluminum rolled 477 Fourth, the Chinese aluminum import zero tariff 477 Fifth, China's aluminum industry access threshold increase Section 478 national measures to curb the investment rebound aluminum smelting 479 First, in accordance with the relevant policies and regulations regulate the investment behavior of 479 Second, to strengthen coordination and market regulation policies related industries 480 Third, speed up elimination of outdated equipment to prevent the resurgence of backward capacity 480 Fourth, to strengthen the aluminum smelting industry, environmental protection to prevent environmental pollution 481 V. standardize the order of mineral resources development and utilization of 481 Sixth, strengthen the aluminum smelting industry production safety supervision and inspection of 481 seven grasp Aluminum energy saving 481 in order to promote industrial restructuring and eight clean up the aluminum smelting industry in the construction of the proposed 482 projects IV Cancel the impact of tariff concessions on a 482 electrolytic aluminum enterprises, China's electrolytic aluminum tariff concessions course 482 Second, abolish tariff concessions on business impact analysis 483 Third, resources and technology or to hedge electricity load 483 Part VI industry forecasting and strategic tenth chapters 2013--2018 Aluminium Market Analysis and Outlook Section 485 2013--2018 Aluminium consumption and market price analysis 485 First, the Chinese aluminum consumption accounted for the world's first 485 Second, the factors change 485 Chinese aluminum III China's primary aluminum consumption forecast 487 Fourth, China's aluminum consumption is expected five 2013 488, 2013 488 aluminum market price trend analysis Section 2013--2018 China's aluminum market demand analysis and forecasting a 496, 2013 496 global aluminum demand analysis Second, in 2013 China's alumina demand analysis 497 Third, in 2013 Chinese aluminum demand analysis 497 Fourth, the Chinese aluminum demand or double 498 V, five market demand for aluminum industry in the future development of China's 499 Sixth, 2013- 2018 Global Alumina supply and demand forecast 500 III 2013--2018 Major industry aluminum demand analysis and forecasting a 501, the construction industry was analyzed by potential 501 two aluminum, automotive aluminum market potential 501 Third, container and aluminum application needs 502 Fourth, the transport industry aluminum demand will surge 503 Chapter XV 2013 - China's aluminum industry development strategy Section 505 Existing Chinese aluminum industry in 2018 505 issues a number of problems exist in China's aluminum industry development 505 Second, China sustainable development issues facing the aluminum industry 507 Third, the Chinese aluminum industry chain needs to correct deformity 509 Fourth, raw material and energy consumption into the soft underbelly of China's aluminum industry development 510 1.2 Development of China's aluminum industry strategies and recommendations 512 First, the Chinese aluminum industry Guidelines for the development of 513 Second, China's aluminum industrial restructuring measures and recommendations 513 Third, the strategy and the main way to the sustainable development of China's aluminum industry 515 Fourth, select the healthy development of China's aluminum industry Path of Section 517 of China's aluminum market situation and 519 a marketing strategic thinking, China's aluminum market situation 519 Second, China's aluminum business marketing research 521 Third, proposals to strengthen the aluminum business marketing research 523 Section IV of the aluminum industry layout and development prospects of a 524, Aluminum relationship determines prospects aluminum 524 Second, the main problem existed 526 three aluminum industry, aluminum industry, according to local conditions use of energy 527 Fourth, learn from Alcoa historic shift of 528 V, 529 six should be rational distribution of aluminum industry, aluminum industry development guide guidelines and recommendations 530 Part VII of industry investment strategy Chapter XVI 2013--2018 Aluminium Industry Investment Strategy of the aluminum industry, investment analysis 533 Section 533 First, the Chinese aluminum industry Future 533 Second, China's electrolytic aluminum investment analysis 534 III. China Aluminum profit trend 535 Fourth, the Chinese aluminum market potential of 535 Section Composite 2013--2018 investment environment 536 a Chinese aluminum industry, investing in domestic aluminum industry 536 two favorable factors, the negative factors of domestic investment in the aluminum industry 537 Third, investment in domestic aluminum industry need Pondering 538 Section 2013--2018 Aluminium smelting and rolling processing industry investment recommendation 541 a, 541 two general principle, admission standard 542 (a) Encouraged 542 (b) permitted 543 (c) restricted 543 (d) to exit the class 544 Chapter XVII 2013--2018 Aluminium Industrial Investment Risks and Preventive Measures Section 545 policy risks and preventive measures 545 a, 545 two macroeconomic policy, industrial policy 546 three , risk prevention measures 546 Section macroeconomic fluctuations risks and preventive measures 547 a, 547 two macroeconomic volatility risk, risk prevention measures Section 548 technical risks and preventive measures 548 First, the technical risk 548 Second, risk prevention measures Article 550 four supply and demand risks and preventive measures 550 First, the supply and demand of risk 550 Second, risk prevention measures 550 V raw material risks and preventive measures 550 VI competing risks and preventive measures 551 product structure VII risks and preventive measures 551 VIII country risk and preventive measures 552 IX regional risks and preventive measures 553 Charts Charts: alumina varieties and uses 13 Charts: Pingguo County of beans bauxite deposits in the geological cross-section diagram Figure 24: Hainan Penglai bauxite Regardless of ore deposits in chicken segment Ⅳ No. 25 Geological cross-sectional schematic diagram: Russian mine section 20 grams sectional view of the seam line 26 column comparison ------------------------ Ms. Gao --------------- 〖Contact〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Miss Zhao〗 〖QQ 1271943744 24: 18211180815 
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Company Name: Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
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