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2013--2018 Development Status and Potential Investment Guidelines Chinese collagen industry ..

2013--2018 Development Status and Potential Investment Guidelines Chinese collagen industry ..
2013--2018 Development Status and Potential Investment Guidelines Chinese collagen industry ..
2013--2018 Development Status and Potential Investment Guidelines Chinese collagen industry ..

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Company:Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
Information Name: 2013--2018 Development Status and Potential Investment Guidelines Chinese collagen industry ..
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China collagen Industry Development and Potential investment guidelines Report 2018 ---------------------------------- - 2013 ----------------------------------〗 〖Report No. 71498〗 〖completion date of August 2013 〖Delivery 〗 EMIL electronic version or EMS reporting format〗 〖〗 〖paper version: 6500 yuan〗 〖electronic version: 6800 yuan 〖paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) 〖Order〗 010-56205768 Phone 〖Customer Service QQ 〗 1271943744 24: 18,211,180,815 〖Contact〗 〖Zhao Yingying source link〗 http://www.hjwxyjy.com/yiyaobaojian/baojianpin/71498.html (Click to see main text) [Report Contents] Chapter collagen global industry Development of the international skin care market 12 Section 12 Development of a Global Skin Care Market Overview 12 Second, the 2013 global skincare needs analysis 16 III 2013 global skincare consumption patterns and trends in the world of collagen Section 17 industry market status of the world 19 a collagen Industry, 2013 19 Second, the 2013 International collagen industry market demand 20 Third, the 2013 International collagen industry R & D Trends 21 IV 2013 global market demand for fish collagen 23 Part three sections Country collagen industry development 23 a, United States 23 Second, Europe 24 Third, the Japanese 25 IV collagen industry development status quo of Taiwan Chapter 27 Section 25 Development Industry Overview 27 Chinese collagen I, China Collagen industry development course 27 Second, the development of China's industry is facing the problem of collagen 28 Third, China collagen industry technology development status and trend of 28 Section II collagen industry development 29 a, 2013 Collagen industry analysis 29 two , 2013 Market Characteristics of Collagen 31 Third, 2013 Collagen Beauty Food Market Analysis 31 IV 2013 like collagen III study analysis 37 Chinese collagen industry supply and demand analysis of 38 fourth quarter 2013 domestic fish Collagen products, a market research 38, 2013 Status fish collagen health care market 38 Second, the 2013 fish collagen health care market brand 39 III 2013 fish collagen health care products packaging form 39 IV 2013 Fish Collagen Health Prod structure 39 V. 2013 fish collagen health products health benefits 39 VI 2013 fish collagen by consumer groups for Chapter 40 Chinese collagen economic operation analysis 42 Section 2013 industry operation analysis of collagen 42 First, in 2013 industry analysis of economic indicators of collagen collagen Section 42 of total market sales in a market collagen 43, 2012 42 II collagen industry revenue in 2013 the top ten companies 43 II collagen in 2013 43 three total market sales in 2013 - 2018 sales forecast 44 Collagen Collagen III 2013 import and export trade of 44 Chapter IV collagen Chinese consumer market industry analysis Section 46 Chinese collagen consumer income analysis 46 a China's population, people living in 46 two, 2013 48 three consumer income levels, 2012 - 2013 Consumer Confidence Index of 49 Section 50 a consumer survey collagen, collagen consumer awareness 50 II. Collagen consumer survey 52 III survey 52 III collagen marketing strategies of 53 a collagen consumer demand sales channels 53 of collagen II collagen internet marketing strategy 54 Third, a brand marketing strategy analysis of 55 fourth Section Chinese consumer health care products market analysis 56 a, health care consumption patterns 56 Second, the health care consumer survey 57 III 2013 57 Health Consumption and four female consumer health care products market analysis 60 Chapter collagen in China Key Applications Market Analysis 61 Section 61 Application of the health food industry a collagen health food Overview 61 II collagen as a functional health food use 63 Third, in 2013 the food industry economic operation analysis 64 Fourth, in 2013 China 's health care products market competition analysis 66 V. Analysis of import and export of health products 67 six in 2013, functional foods trends to predict the future of skin care industry 67 Section 70 Application I. skin effect of collagen 70 II collagen in the beauty industry The application 71 Third, the Chinese cosmetics market trends in consumption patterns 72 Fourth, the development of foreign investment in China cosmetics analysis of 73 (1) foreign cosmetics giant to enter the Chinese schedule 73 (2) foreign acquisitions of Chinese companies 73 (3) international cosmetics brand share analysis 74 (4) foreign cosmetics brand in China 76 five bottleneck analysis, functional analysis of 78 skin care market (1) anti-aging product. 78 (2) whitening products 80 (3) Mask Market 81 (4) Hand care market 84 six , 2013--2018 forecast of China's 86 Cosmetics capacity seven 2013--2018 years of professional beauty industry direction 88 Section 89 Application of the biopharmaceutical industry a collagen used in medical 89 Second, applied research in medicine in 2013 90 Third, in 2013 China's pharmaceutical industry is running four summary 91, 2012 - 2013 development characteristics of China's pharmaceutical industry 91 V. 2013 production and import and export of pharmaceutical industry 96 VI 2020 forecast the development trend of China's pharmaceutical industry 96 IV livestock feed Application of 106 one of Dietary progress collagen powder 106 Second, the 30-year analysis of China's feed industry development 109 Third, the 2013 feed production and import and export analysis 110 Fourth, the development of China's feed industry review 110 V, 2013 feed 2013 Industrial Development Vision 120 Chapter VI collagen industry investment and development prospects of 122 Section 2013 of collagen industry investment analysis 122 a 2013 analysis of collagen industry investment development 122 Second, the 2013 scale collagen Section 122 worth of collagen industry investment opportunity analysis 124 First, in 2013 the market opportunity analysis of collagen 124 Second, the 2013 market analysis of investment opportunities collagen three 125 2013 - 2018 125 Collagen Investment Situation Analysis III collagen industry development prospects analysis 126 a collagen industry prospects analysis 126 Second, the nature and prospects of collagen analysis of 126 three 2013 - 2018 market outlook collagen 127 Chapter VII collagen industry competition analysis Section 129 Collagen 129 a competition structure analysis, competition within the industry 129 existing enterprises Second, the threat of new entrants 130 Third, the threat of substitutes 131 Fourth, the bargaining power of suppliers 131 Fifth, the bargaining power of buyers collagen Section 132 protein industry competition pattern analysis of 132 I, 2013 Collagen industry competition pattern analysis 132 Second, in 2013 the industry competitive situation analysis of collagen 133 Third, in 2013 the competitiveness of Chinese industry 133 Section III collagen collagen major competitive market trends 134 First, Taiwan manufacturers to advance the mainland market collagen 134 Second, Rousselot Collagen market competition trends in China 134 three, FANCL collagen in the mainland market competition 135 IV collagen trend of market competition analysis 135 First, the market diversification of demand trends 135 II collagen will be converted to the daily consumption of 135 three quality branded products dominate the market, 136 Fourth, professional sales service terminal 136 Chapter VIII of the rapid development of China in 2013 Collagen industry development situation in the first 137 Collagen industry overview section 137 a collagen Industry Overview 137 Second, the application of collagen analysis 137 III collagen industry output analysis 139 IV collagen industry technology development analysis 140 Section 2013 of collagen industry market conditions analysis 141 a collagen market size analysis 141 II collagen market related policy collagen Chinese industry, there is 141 142 Section 2013 issue a product quality problem analysis 142 Second, the product of cognitive problems in 143 Third, the production Cost Analysis 143 Fourth, business reputation Problems 143 Chapter IX collagen Chinese industry as a whole is running Index of 145 Section 2009--2013 collagen industry in China in the overall size of a 145 analysis, structural analysis of the number of enterprises production scale 145 Second, the industry Analysis 145 Section 2009--2013 China's collagen industry sales analysis 146 First, the industry overall analysis of 146 cases of finished products Second, industry sales revenue overall analysis of 147 Section 2009 - Chinese collagen industry financial analysis of 147 indicators overall in 2013 First, industry profitability analysis 147 Second, the industry solvency analysis 148 Third, the industry operating capacity analysis 149 Fourth, industry development capacity analysis 149 Chapter collagen industry profitability analysis 151 Section 151 a cost analysis, 2009-2013 In collagen raw material prices two 151, 2009 - 2013 Collagen industry labor cost analysis 151 Section 152 sales a memory on analysis, 2009 - 2013 Collagen industry two new product output 152, 2009 - 2013 Collagen industry The export delivery value 153 Section 153 a profitability analysis, 2009 - 2013 Collagen industry prices 153 two, 2009 - 2013 Collagen Industry Operating income 154 three, 2009 - 2013 Collagen industry gross profit 155 four, 2009 - 2013 industry profitability collagen 155 five 2013 - 2018 industry profit forecast collagen 156 Chapter XI collagen industry profitability analysis 157 Section 2009--2013 total profit of 157 Chinese collagen Industry Analysis First, the gross profit analysis 157 Second, comparative analysis of different scale enterprises total profit of 157 Third, the comparative analysis of different ownership enterprises total profit of 158 Section 2009--2013 collagen protein industry in China in a sales profit 159, the profit margin analysis 159 II. Comparative analysis of different scale enterprises on sales 159 Third, the comparative analysis of different ownership enterprises Section 160 sales margins 2009--2013 collagen industry output value of China's interest rate analysis 161 First, the output value of profit and tax analysis 161 Second, different scale enterprise value profit Comparative analysis of tax 161 Third, different ownership value tax rate Comparative Analysis 162 Chapter XII collagen Development of 163 key enterprises in Section FANCL (China Famous Brand) 163 I. Company Overview 163 Second, the 2013 operating conditions 163 III. 2013 New R & D Section 166 of Amway (China Famous Brand) 168 I. Company Overview 168 Second, Amway collagen three 168, 2009 - 2013 168 III operating conditions Venus pure collagen (China Famous Brand) 171 I. Company Overview 171 Second, the competitive advantage 174 Third, the main component of 176 fourth Elodea Rui (China Famous Brand) 177 I. Company Overview 177 Second, corporate culture 180 III 180 V collagen products giant (line brand) 180 I. Company Overview 180 Second, the company developed new products, the introduction of 184 Third, the company developing the new situation VI 184 Da Jierui (China Famous Brand) 184 I. Company Overview 184 Second, collagen products 187 III. Product Process characteristics 187 VII-ming for Biological (China Famous Brand) 187 I. Company Overview 187 Second, the production 190 Third, the relevant column items, certification and standard 191 VIII RHINOTECH biological (China Famous Brand) 191 a, Company Profile 191 Second, the raw material supply 194 Third, the company's human resources strategy 195 IX Hailisheng (China Famous Brand) 195 I. Company Overview 195 Second, the company developing the strength of 196 Third, the analysis of the company's development situation 196 SECTION X. Tang Shou-heng ( Analysis of Chinese well-known trademarks) 199 I. Company Overview 199 Second, corporate culture 202 Third, the competitive advantage of Section 202 East Ocean XI 203 I. Company Overview 203 Second, the company collagen product development 204 Third, in 2013 the company Development 205 Fourth, the company's research and development status of 219 Chapter XIII collagen industry investment strategy analysis 221 a Section 221 industry characteristics, industry profitability analysis 221 Second, the industry analysis 221 Section II collagen cyclical industry investment benefit analysis of 224 I. Investment Barriers 224 Second, the investment-benefit analysis 225 Third, the return on investment analysis 225 Section III collagen Industry Investment Strategy 226 First, the technical development strategy 226 II 226 three industries of strategic planning, portfolio strategy 229 Fourth, marketing, strategic planning 230 V. Regional Strategic Planning 231 Chapter XIV collagen industry investment risk early warning Section 233 main factors affecting the development of collagen, a sector 233, 233 RMB appreciation Second, the Labor Contract Law 233 Third, environmental laws 234 Fourth, the new corporate income tax System 238 Section 2013--2018 年 collagen industry investment risk warning 262 a, 262 two direct presence of four major risks, social risks industry analysis 267 Third, the market risk mitigation strategies 268 Fourth, the industry risk aversion Road 269 Chapter XV Collagen industry trend analysis 271 Section 2013--2018 China's collagen 271 an analysis of market trends, trends analysis of collagen 271 two coming in 2013 - 2018 Collagen prospects and trends 271 Third, 2013-2018 On prospects for the development of collagen and research direction 272 Fourth, 2013 - The Trend Analysis of oral collagen 2018 272 Section 2013--2018 Development China collagen industry forecasts a 272, 2013 - Collagen industry trends in 2018 forecast 272 Second, 2013--2018 market size forecast of collagen 273 Third, 2013--2018 ANNUAL collagen market demand for our 274 Fourth, 2013--2018, China's market space collagen forecast 2013-2018 274 III Technology Trends Analysis of Collagen 275 a, 2013--2018 Little Green products will become the darling of the consumer market two 275 2013 - 2018 collagen product diversification trend analysis 275 three 2013 - 2018 Intelligent trend analysis collagen products 275 Fourth, 2013--2018 the Upgrading trend collagen brand value of 276 fourth 2013--2018 年 health care industry trends forecast a 276, 2013--2018 China's health care products sales forecast 276 Second, 2013--2018 China's health care products The market potential of 276 Third, 2013--2018 GDP forecast of health care products in China in 277 four 2013 - 2018 health care products market potential and business opportunities in 278 V bio-industry development, "second five" plan 278 a, 278 two opportunities and challenges guiding ideology and development goals 281 Third, the main task of the development priorities 282 Fourth, safeguard measures 290 Chapter XVI collagen enterprise management strategy recommends 292 Section 292 a marketing strategy analysis, pricing strategy analysis 292 Collagen II Collagen Section 292 sales channel strategy analysis strategy analysis 293 First, media selection policy analysis 293 Second, product positioning strategy analysis 296 Third, corporate publicity strategy analysis 297 III collagen improve the competitiveness of enterprises 299 a strategy, accurate market Location 299 Second, improve product quality and strengthen brand building 300 Third, the formation of a unique marketing strategy 301 Fourth, strengthen the construction of Terminal Services 302 Section IV collagen brand of strategic thinking 302 a collagen implementation of brand strategy meaning 302 II. Collagen brand identity and role 304 III collagen brand strategy research value 305 IV collagen brand competition trend of 307 V, collagen corporate brand development strategy 308 Charts Chart 12004--2012 China's beauty and personal care market category capacity 16 Chart 2 Beauty & Personal Care category accounted structure 16 Chart 32006--2012 China's beauty and personal care categories all sub-sectors capacity and Growth 17 Chart 42010--2013 collagen global market demand analysis of 20 chart 52010--2013 fish collagen Global Market Demand Analysis 23 Chart 62010--2013 Collagen US market size analysis of 23 chart 72010--2013 collagen European market size of 24 chart 82010--2013 Japan Collagen market size analysis of 25 chart 92010--2013 Taiwan Collagen market size of 25 chart 102010--2013 collagen industry supply and demand of China's analysis of 38 chart 112010--2013 collagen industry in China in the economic indicators of 42 chart 122010--2012 China's collagen The total protein market analysis 43 Figure 13 2010 - total collagen Chinese market in 2013 of 43 Exhibit 14, 2013 - China's total collagen market forecast 2018 44 Exhibit 15, 2010 - China's import and export analysis of collagen industry in 2013 44 Figure 16 1991 - 46 Exhibit 17 of total retail sales in 2013 China's GDP growth rate (December 2013) 47 Exhibit 18 2013 national consumer price index rose fell 48 Exhibit 19 2013 Chinese collagen consumption of 52 Exhibit 20 2010-2013 China collagen industry needs analysis 52 Figure 21 2013 each body collagen sales of health care products share 53 Exhibit 22 purchase rate of 57 Exhibit 23 different cities part of the international giants to enter China Day of schedule 73 Exhibit 24 International Day of giant mergers and acquisitions China Chart 252 008 74 local brands, in 2012 China's major cosmetics company Beauty and Personal Care category market share of 75 chart 262009--2012 China's beauty and personal care categories industry concentration (CR4, CR8) 75 Exhibit 27 Procter & Gamble in the United States, China and different categories of market share in emerging markets 77 Chart 282006--2012 China's anti-aging segment capacity and growth 79 Exhibit 29 before the anti-aging market share of the top ten brands on the market 79 Chart 302006--2012 China's anti-aging products accounted face Care Products 80 Exhibit 31 in 2012 the proportion of each category of whitening products accounted for 80 Chart 322006--2012 whitening products, China accounted for facial care products share 81 Chart 332006--2012 mask with Fine Chinese market capacity and growth rate of 82 Exhibit 34 Mask Market 82 Exhibit 35 points mask market by price segments 83 chart 362009--2013 mask market leading brand in China's 83 Exhibit 37 hand care category growth capacity and 84 chart 38 hand care products industry pattern 84 Exhibit 39 2011 Hand Care Products high-end products accounted for 85 Exhibit 40 2012 Chinese per capita consumption of cosmetics and other countries, the amount of contrast Unit: $ 86 a chart 412005--2020 core of China's population and use of cosmetics Prediction Unit: 10,000 87 chart 421997--2025 global cosmetics market capacity Table 87 ranking chart 432011--2016 China's beauty and personal care category market size and forecast 88 chart 442010--2013 China's collagen industry investment analysis 122 chart 452013--2018 China's collagen industry market size forecast 127 Chart 46 Collagen industry environment, "Porter's Five Forces" model 129 chart 472010--2013 collagen, China's industry output analysis chart 48 139 2010 - Market Size of collagen industry analysis 2013 chart 49 of 141 market-related collagen Policy Analysis Chart 141 502 013 units in China in the collagen industry scale analysis 145 chart 512010--2013 industry in China in collagen production analysis 145 chart 522010--2013 collagen protein industry in China in the finished product analysis 146 chart 532010--2013 in China in Collagen industry sales analysis 147 chart 542010--2018 collagen in China in industry profitability forecast analysis 147 chart 552010--2018 年 collagen industry solvency predictive analysis chart 56, 2010 of 148 - 2018 operating capacity of collagen industry predictive analysis 149 chart 572010--2018 collagen industry in China in predicting analysis of 149 charts 582010--2013 collagen industry of China labor cost analysis chart 59 151 2010 - China collagen industry new product output analysis chart 602 010 152 2013 --2013 China's collagen industry export delivery value analysis of 153 charts 612010--2013 collagen industry average price of China's analysis of 153 charts 622010--2013 China's collagen Industry Revenue Analysis 154 chart 632010--2013 China's collagen Industry sales margin of 155 Chart 64, 2010 - China collagen industry sales margin analysis chart 65 155 2013 2013 - China collagen industry sales forecast 2018 gross 156 chart 662010--2013 total profit of 157 Chinese collagen Industry Analysis Chart 672 013 Different scale enterprises total profit of China Collagen industry analysis chart 682 013 157 Different ownership enterprises total profit of 158 Chinese collagen industry analysis chart 692010--2013 China's collagen industry profitability analysis 159 sales chart 702010-2013 In China collagen industry enterprises of different sizes on sales analysis 159 chart 712010--2013 China's collagen industry enterprises of different ownership sales profit analysis 160 chart 722010--2013 industry output value of China's collagen tax rate analysis chart 732010- 161 China collagen industry output value of enterprises of all sizes profit rate analysis chart 74 161 2013 2010 - China collagen industry output value of enterprises of different ownership tax rate analysis 2013 162 Chart 75 FANCL company nearly four years the number of changes in the liquidity flow chart 76 of nearly 4 163 In FANCL total assets turnover times 164 chart changes in the past four years 77 FANCL sales chart 78 164 gross changes in the past four years, the company's assets-liability ratio FANCL changes in the past four years 164 Chart 79 FANCL company equity ratio changes 80 165 Chart FANCL past four years the number of cases fixed assets turnover 81 165 chart for nearly four years, Amway company's fixed asset turnover situation 168 Chart 82 times the past four years the number of the Amway Corporation liquidity flow chart 83 changes in the past four years 169 Amway sales margin changes 169 Chart 84 nearly four years Amway changes in assets and liabilities 85 170 chart for nearly four years Amway equity ratio changes in the past four years 86 170 chart Amway's total number of changes in asset turnover nearly 4 171 Chart 87 US bio-gel core Inc., 172 fixed asset turnover situation chart 88 times the past four years the US bio-gel core Inc. company Turnover of Working Capital changes in the past four years 172 Chart 89 US bio-gel core Inc. sales margin changes 90 172 Chart nearly four years American bio-gel core Inc. company balance rate changes 91 173 chart for nearly four years American bio-gel core Inc. company equity ratio changes in the past four years 173 Chart 92 US bio-gel core Inc. The company's total assets changes in working capital 174 chart 93 times the past four years Ruike Trade Co., Ltd. Qingdao Lok fixed asset turnover situation 177 Chart 94 times the past four years Ruike Trade Co., Ltd. Qingdao Lok turnover frequency changes in current assets 95 178 chart for nearly four years, Qingdao Kaleri changes in gross margin Electronics Co., Ltd. 96 178 chart for nearly four years Ruike Trade Co., Ltd. Qingdao Lok changes in assets and liabilities 97 178 chart for nearly four years Ruike Trade Co., Ltd. Qingdao Lok equity ratio changes 98 179 chart for nearly four years Ruike Trade Co., Ltd. Qingdao Lok total asset turnover frequency changes in the past four years 179 Chart 99 giant of Gene Technology Co., Ltd. in Xi'an fixed asset turnover situation 181 times 100 chart for nearly four years of Gene Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an giant Turnover of Working Capital changes in the past four years 101 182 Chart of Gene Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an giant changes in sales margin 102 182 chart for nearly four years of Gene Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an giant asset-liability ratio changes in the past four years 103 182 Chart Xi'an giant biological gene Technology Co., Ltd. equity ratio changes in the past four years 104 183 Chart of Gene Technology Co., Ltd. Xi'an giant Total assets turnover times 183 chart changes in the past four years 105 Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hua Da Jierui fixed asset turnover times 185 chart case 106 nearly four years Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hua Da Jierui Turnover of Working Capital changes 185 107 chart for nearly four years Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hua Da Jierui changes in sales margin 108 185 chart for nearly four years Beijing Hua Da Jierui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. changes in assets and liabilities 109 186 chart for nearly four years Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Beijing Hua Da Jierui equity ratio changes in the past four years 186 Chart 110 Beijing Hua Da Jierui Biotechnology Co., Ltd. The total asset turnover frequency changes 187 111 chart for nearly four years, Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Co., Ltd. Fixed asset turnover situation 188 times 112 chart for nearly four years, Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Co., changes in current assets turnover number 113 188 chart for nearly four years, Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Co., changes in gross margin 114 188 chart for nearly four years, Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Co., changes in assets and liabilities 115 189 chart for nearly four years, Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Co., Ltd. equity ratio changes in the past four years 116 189 chart Sichuan-ming for Biological Technology Limited number of changes in the total asset turnover 117 190 chart for nearly four years, Hainan Huayan Biotech Co., Ltd fixed asset turnover situation 192 times 118 chart for nearly four years, Hainan Huayan Biotech Co., changes in current assets turnover number of nearly 4 119 192 Chart Hainan Huayan Biotech Co., gross changes in the past four years 120 193 chart Hainan Huayan Biotech Co., changes in assets and liabilities 121 193 chart for nearly four years, Hainan Huayan Biotech Co., Ltd. equity ratio changes 193 Chart 122 nearly four years Hainan Huayan Biotech Ltd. Total assets turnover times 194 chart changes in the past four years 123 Hailisheng Group Ltd. fixed asset turnover situation 196 times 124 chart for nearly four years Hailisheng Group Ltd. Turnover of Working Capital changes in the past four years 125 197 Chart Hailisheng Group Co., gross changes in the past four years 126 197 Chart Hailisheng Group Limited changes in assets and liabilities 127 197 chart for nearly four years Hailisheng Group Ltd. equity ratio changes in the past four years 128 198 Chart Hailisheng Holdings Limited number of changes in the total asset turnover 129 198 chart for nearly four years Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. of fixed asset turnover situation 199 times 130 chart for nearly four years Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co. Company turnover frequency changes in current assets 131 200 chart for nearly four years Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., gross changes in the past four years 200 Chart 132 Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., changes in assets and liabilities 133 200 chart for nearly four years Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. equity ratio changes in the past four years 201 Chart 134 Shanghai Heng Shou Tang Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. changes graph 135 201 2012- May 2013 East Ocean Financial indicators total asset turnover frequency table 205 Chart 136 2012-2013 May East Ocean Balance Sheet 208 Chart 137 2012- May 2013 East Ocean Company's income statement 214 Chart 1382010--2013 total profit of Chinese industry analysis Collagen collagen 221 chart 139 industry sectors in which the life cycle of a schematic diagram 221 140 industry life cycle, strategic and features 223 Chart 141 industrial investment barriers factors analyzed 224 charts 142 2010 - China collagen industry investment yield analysis 2013 225 chart 1432013--2018 collagen protein industry in China in the same industry competition risk and control strategy 270 Chart 1442013--2018 China's industry output forecast collagen 272 chart 1452013--2018 China's collagen industry market size forecast 273 chart 1462013--2018 collagen industry in China in the demand forecast 274 chart 1472013--2018 of China Collagen industry sales forecast 274 chart 1482013--2018 China's health care industry sales volume forecast 276 chart 1492013--2018 China's health products industry market size forecast 276 chart 1502013--2018 China's health care industry output forecast chart 151 277 Collagen channel strategy schematic diagram 292 152 309 four basic brand strategy ----------------------------------- ---- 〖Contact〗 〖Miss Gao Miss Zhao QQ〗 〖Order〗 010-56205768 1271943744 24: 18211180815 
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Company Name: Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
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