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Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy

Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy
Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy
Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy

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Company:Guang'an Silicon Valley Information Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Woman's side of beauty skincare honey has a kind of efficacy: Fresh honey applied on the skin, can play the role of moisture and nutrients, the skin delicate, smooth and elastic. 2. bacterial anti-inflammatory, promoting tissue regeneration. Quality honey will not fubai place for several years at room temperature, indicating a strong antiseptic effect. Experiments confirmed that honey on streptococcus, staphylococcus, diphtheria and other Gram-positive bacteria have a strong inhibitory effect. 3. have a moderating effect on gastrointestinal function, gastric acid secretion is normal. Animal experiments confirmed that honey can enhance the role of bowel movements, can significantly shorten the time of defecation. 4. A variety of enzymes and minerals contained in, after a synergistic effect, can enhance human immunity. 5. promote longevity mechanism is more complex, it is comprehensive conditioning of the body, rather than simply acting on a qiguan. 6. relieve nervous tension and promote sleep, and have some analgesic effect. The glucose in honey, vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium can regulate the nervous system and promote sleep. 7. The protective effect of ganzang can provide energy to prepare for the metabolic activity ganzang, and can stimulate the regeneration of liver tissue, play a role in repairing damage. 8. Honey, fructose, glucose can be quickly absorbed and used to improve the business status of the blood. Large-scale clinical trials 9. University of Tokyo researchers showed that young children eat honey plus plus compared to eating sugar noisy children, the former weight, height, bust, subcutaneous fat increases rapidly, the skin glossier and less risk of dysentery, bronchitis, conjunctivitis, stomatitis and other diseases. 10. Honey can lungs, has a cough, commonly used to aid in the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchitis. 11. to prevent osteoporosis in older women due to loss of calcium caused. Guang'an Silicon Valley IT Co., Ltd. is a professional food service e-commerce businesses, visit its specialty network (www.guangtechan.com) is a professional food shopping sites by the government's recognition, attention and support. The company is located in Guang'an City, with supporting staff marketing personnel, artists, technical procedures, warehousing baling. The company works closely with national food manufacturers, distributors manufacturers in particular, has the absolute price advantage, quality assurance, etc. It has been successfully operating for Guangan salt egg, wusheng beef, rice and many other native yuechi. Recruitment is online and offline (shop and store) distributors, join us so that you no longer have to worry about the shop! telephone: 0826-2329728, buttoned: 3164330794. 
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Company Name: Guang'an Silicon Valley Information Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Specialty shopping()
Telephone Number: 0826-2329728
Company Address: Guang'an, Guang'an City, Sichuan, China
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