Absolut Absolut flavor 375ml
Absolut Absolut flavor 375ml
Absolut vodka Absolut Vodka alcohol content: 40% Vol categories: vodka Shelf life: long color: transparent and pure taste: very smooth, mellow. Strong, with such fresh grain taste. Real taste of vodka produced in Ahus in southern Sweden town deep quality of winter wheat and pure spring water, and the revolutionary continuous distillation technology gives Absolut Vodka pure quality and rich velvety texture, ideal for creative cocktail base wine. The use of 100% natural ingredients, Absolut Vodka every product faithfully reflects the flavors of raw materials. Every drop of Absolut Vodka Origin of Absolut Vodka are out of single origin, Sweden Ahus. This ensures that no matter where they are sold, Absolut Vodka has top quality. Use only the production of winter wheat and spring water depth, since there is a distillation chamber extraction. 100% natural ingredients, do not add any sugar. Stuttgart absolute volt story Absolut Vodka is one of the world's largest-selling premium spirits brand level, but also the world's number one premium vodka brand. The ultimate pursuit of perfection makes Absolut vodka to become the world's fourth largest upscale distilled spirits brand in 2007. The use of 100% natural ingredients, Absolut Vodka every product faithfully reflects the flavors of raw materials.
Contact Detail
Company Name: | Import and Export Trade Co., Ltd., Dongguan City, Golde.. |
Employee Number: | |
Annual export: | |
Year Established: | |
Contact Person: | Mr. Liangfei Hong() |
Telephone Number: | 0769-22180199 |
Company Address: | Dongguan, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China |
Zip/Postal Code: |
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