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Sweet potato powder (cooked powder)

Sweet potato powder (cooked powder)
Sweet potato powder (cooked powder)
Sweet potato powder (cooked powder)

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Company:Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Shandong Liangshan Peng far
Information Name: Sweet potato powder (cooked powder)
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Sweet potato powder, sweet potato flour is dehydrated products in one. With fresh sweet potatoes as raw material, washing, peeling, selecting, slicing, washing, blanching, cooling, cooking, mash and other processes, fine particulate obtained by dehydration, sheet chips or powder-like product collectively, sweet potato powder. The main difference between the sweet potato flour and potato starch, potato flour that is fresh and dehydrated potato products, which includes fresh sweet potato skin in addition to all dry: starch, protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber, ash, vitamins, minerals substances. Rehydrated potato flour was beaten after fresh steamed mashed potato and sweet potato with a fresh nutrients, flavor and taste. And sweet potato starch sweet potato starch containing mainly single component of this, other nutrients were very low or free, and therefore does not have a sweet potato starch specific nutrition, flavor and taste. Fresh potato screening process a continuous feed a water wash a steam peeling a slice of a pre-cooked blanched a cooking one remove impurities a sieve dehydration of a crushing one package uses a dry one and potato flour in food Application of sweet potato flour is the basis of its food processing. Sweet potato powder is mainly used for two aspects: one is used as a food additive, such as baked pasta to add about 5%, can improve the quality of the product, add potato flour to increase viscosity, etc. in certain foods. On the other hand, sweet potato flour can be used as reconstituted mashed potatoes, sweet potato chips and other flavors and a variety of fortified foods raw materials. Sweet potato flour can be processed with many convenience foods, which are superior to fresh sweet potatoes processed raw materials, can be made into a variety of shapes, you can add a variety of seasonings and nutrition, made of various snack foods. Sweet potato flour in bread the amount of up to 6%, was 2% to 3%, due to the ability to absorb moisture Gan potato can be kept fresh bread. Since having a fresh sweet potato flour nutrition, flavor and taste, and excellent re-workability, and therefore the use of sweet potato flour covers almost all food categories. It can be said now almost all processed foods sweet potato flour can be used as a raw material for processing. Because potato flour has a wide range of uses, guaranteed supply of raw materials, so as a new product, the processing of sweet potato flour in promoting agricultural structure adjustment, while able to create a good economic benefits for enterprises. Sweet potato powder can be used to make moon cake stuffing, cookies and the like. Sweet potato powder processed foods can be made into a variety of small stock, its density is large, easy to long distance transport and storage, can be expanded through a simple fried or made into a variety of casual foods. Hamburger patty added sweet potato flour can improve the performance of some patties. Because the hamburger in the heating process will precipitate water and oil, soaked bread section. Sweet potato powder has good water absorption, water retention, holding oily, can ensure product quality is very stable. The starch Without this feature, it will be cracking, water and other aging starch heated. The main difference between the sweet potato flour and potato starch, sweet potato flour that is fresh and dehydrated potato products, which contains all the dry except sweet potato potato skin. Since the process of maintaining the integrity of the maximum cell pellets sweet potato, so rehydrated potato flour with a fresh steamed sweet potato nutrition, flavor and taste. And sweet potato starch, sweet potato is only one of many components, and therefore does not have a sweet potato starch, sweet potato nutrition, flavor and taste. Sweet potato flour and grain flour besides containing the same level of nutrition, but also rich in vitamin C and a lot of potassium. Because potato flour contains large amounts of dietary fiber, and low in fat, cholesterol and saturated fatty acids, convenience food, easy digestion and absorption, it is particularly suitable for the elderly and young children. Business support strengthened the complex sweet potato flour is recognized worldwide as the full price of nutritious food. Sweet potato flour sweet potatoes retain maximum flavor. Enduring casual food in 70% to 80%, for convenience foods are sweet potatoes products. Sweet potato flour transportation safety, low cost, shelf life of up to 18 months. Instead of using fresh sweet potato flour can greatly simplify the production process, reduce costs and improve productivity. Sweet potato flour storage, transport costs are far lower than the fresh sweet potato storage, transport costs 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Shandong Liangshan Peng far
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Contact Person: Mr. Lin Fan Section(Sales)
Telephone Number: 0537-7459998
Company Address: Liangshan County of Shandong Province intersection Township resident, , Shandong Province, China
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