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Supply Tianzhu specialty fern powder 200g

Supply Tianzhu specialty fern powder 200g
Supply Tianzhu specialty fern powder 200g
Supply Tianzhu specialty fern powder 200g

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Company:Ye Village Green Food Co., Ltd. in Anhui
Information Name: Supply Tianzhu specialty fern powder 200g
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Bracken fans is one of my company's Tianzhu specialty, the main component of 70% and 30% of Kudzu powder fern root powder, have some health benefits but by the customer favorite, not only health but also to achieve the effect of gifts, It is the best choice for New Year, holiday gifts and business gifts. Fern root fans practices: 1. fern root fans cook for 10 minutes in boiling water, remove and soak in cold water. 2. The red, green pepper, finely chopped garlic. 3. The end of the pepper, garlic, salt, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil into a bowl of sauce children, fern root fans poured on to. ???? Gegen series fans are wild Gegen powder produced by a total of 10 balance characteristics of a fan, as both contain Kudzu powder, it has some health benefits in the consumption Gefen, the so called Pueraria series of health fans. Kudzu is pure natural health foods, is published by the Ministry of Health as both food and medicine, fern root because of its rich nutrition and special health ingredients containing well-regarded, as the main health food. Fern root fans relative to others in the market is not pure, non-organic, fern root fans, our fans higher nutritional value, taste more smooth and delicious. Fern root is a natural medicine Edible wild plants, rich in iron, zinc, selenium and other trace elements and vitamins and essential amino acids, with a heat cured detoxifying, diuretic road, so sleep and other effects. Fern root fans nutritious, taste and smooth, is food to share home life. The fast pace of modern city life, work pressure, a lot of people are often plagued by insomnia, regular consumption of fern root fans, can effectively improve the quality of sleep. ? 181-3059-1575 yezhai. 21food. cn 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Ye Village Green Food Co., Ltd. in Anhui
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Wang Yaling(Market Business Support)
Telephone Number: 0556-8242388
Company Address: Welcome Hill County Road No. 8, , Anhui Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 246300
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