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2013--2017, China WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report

2013--2017, China WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report
2013--2017, China WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report
2013--2017, China WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report

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Company:Yabo in Beijing Institute of Information Consulting Co...
Information Name: 2013--2017, China WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report
Update Time:2015-04-29
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2013 - Chinese WTE industry trends and investment planning analysis report 2017 ----------------------------------- --------------------------------- [Report No. No.] 23048 [release date] in August 2013 [Delivery way] EMIL electronic version or EMS [Report format] [Paper version]: 6500 yuan [Electronic version]: 6800 yuan [paper + electronic]: 7000 yuan (price discount) [telephone] 010-57101528 [Customer Order QQ] 1032751828, 183319016, 24 hours: 13366389949 [Contact] [source connected to the high Lu Juan] http://www.szzyjjyjy.com/a/nenyuanhuanbao/dianli/14178.html (Click to see main text) Chapter 1: China Development Review WTE industry 19 1.1 WTE industry definition and classification of garbage power 19 1.1.1 define the way garbage power 19 19 1.1.2 1.1.3 industry in the national economy 20 1.2 WTE industry statistical standards 20 1.2 .1 garbage power generation industry statistics and statistical sector 20 1.2.2 WTE industry statistics waste power generation industry 21 1.2.3 Data types 21 1.3 WTE industry market environment 22 1.3.1 WTE industry garbage environmental environment analysis 22 1.3.2 power generation energy and environmental analysis 24 1.4 WTE industry chain analysis 25 1.4.1 China waste discharge and treatment of 25 cases (1) the amount of waste supply of 25 (2) Garbage supply quality analysis 25 (3) 26 1.4 Structure of waste .2 the distribution of waste incineration business WTE 27 1.4.3 Development of major equipment 30 Investment in China 1.4.4 environmental analysis 31 1.4.5 China Renewable Energy Growth Analysis 36 Chapter 2: 2012--2013 for garbage power generation analysis of industry development 38 2.1 Analysis of Chinese WTE industry development 38 2.1.1 China Development WTE industry in general overview 38 2.1.2 Chinese WTE industry 38 2.1.3 The main features 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry operation analysis 40 (1) 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry management benefit analysis of 40 (2) 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry profitability analysis 40 (3) 2012--2013 operational capacity for garbage power generation industry analysis 41 (4) 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry solvency analysis of 41 (5) 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry development analysis of 42 economic indicators 2.2 WTE industry 42 2.2.1 Analysis of Main Economic Benefit WTE industry factors 42 2.2.2 2012--2013 for garbage power generation Industry analysis of economic indicators 43 2.2.3 2012--2013 Different scale enterprises and economic indicators of 44 2.2.4 2012--2013 Different nature of the business analysis of economic indicators 49 2.3 WTE industry supply and demand balance analysis 59 2.3.1 2012--2013 National rubbish power generation industry supply analysis 59 (1) 2012--2013 National WTE industry output analysis 59 (2) 2012--2013 National WTE industry analysis 60 2.3.2 Finished 2012--2013 REGION WTE industry supply situation Analysis 61 (1) 2012--2013 annual output value of the top 10 areas in 61 (2) 2012 - before 2013 with an annual output of finished ranked 10 Area 62 2.3.3 2012--2013 National WTE industry needs analysis of 63 cases ( 1) 2012--2013 National WTE industry sales value analysis of 63 (2) 2012--2013 National WTE industry sales analysis 63 2.3.4 2012--2013 REGION waste power generation industry demand of 64 (1) 2012- before 2013 the sales value of the top 10 regions of 64 (2) 2012 - before the 2013 sales revenue ranked 10 Area 65 2.3.5 2012--2013 National WTE industry sales rate analysis 66 Chapter 3: International WTE industry Development Experience 68 3.1 US WTE industry overview 68 3.1.1 Analysis of the United States refuse supply 68 3.1.2 Policy support 68 American WTE WTE technology analysis 3.1.3 United States 3.1.4 United States 68 69 3.1 Status WTE development. 5 American Prospects 70 3.2 WTE WTE industry overview Japan 70 3.2.1 Japan 3.2.2 refuse supply situation analysis of 70 policy support Japan WTE waste power generation technology in Japan 71 3.2.3 Current Status of Japanese WTE development 75 3.2.4 75 3.2.5 Japan WTE development prospects of other countries 76 3.3 WTE industry overview WTE Denmark 76 3.3.1 Overview 76 3.3.2 British industry WTE industry overview 77 3.4 WTE industry experience in international development 77 4 summary Zhang: Chinese WTE Technology Status and Prospects 79 4.1 Waste 79 4.1.1 Analysis of the current power generation technology waste incineration power generation technology 79 4.1.2 Domestic waste incineration and waste incineration dust technology 79 4.1.3 80 4.1.4 garbage leachate treatment technology incineration flue gas purification technology 83 4.1.5 waste incineration power generation technology using 84 4.2 Status and Development Trend Analysis landfill power generation technology of landfill gas technology 85 4.2.1 Overview 85 4.2.2 Generation Landfill Leachate Treatment Technology 86 4.2.3 feasibility of landfill gas generation and renewable waste to energy technology development 89 4.3 Analysis 90 4.3.1 Analysis of the feasibility of generating heat garbage feasibility 90 4.3.2 fluidized bed technology for the analysis of waste generation 90 4.3.3 feasibility garbage power to transform a small unit boiler 91 4.4 WTE new technology trend analysis 92 4.4.1 Thermal gasification waste to energy efficiency 92 4.4.2 alkali metal garbage power 94 4.4.3 Thermal Gasification Incineration waste to energy technology outlook 94 4.5 Analysis 95 4.5.1 Prospects waste incineration technology 95 4.5.2 prospect waste incineration power generation technology outlook 96 Chapter 5: Chinese garbage power plant development and prospects 98 5.1 Development and Reform incinerator 98 main types and characteristics 5.1.1 Early incinerator 98 5.1.2 modern incinerator main types and characteristics of urban waste 100 5.1.3 Development of Chinese characteristics and incineration equipment 100 5.1.4 incinerator rehabilitation programs 101 5.2 The main incinerator 102 5.2.1 Development of the pros and cons of various types of waste incinerators 102 5.2.2 mechanical grate incinerator 104 (1) Mechanical grate incinerator works 104 (2) mechanical grate incinerator features 104 (3) mechanical grate incinerator combustion technology 104 (4) mechanical grate incinerator the company 105 (5) mechanical grate incinerator 105 5.2.3 Problems fluidized bed incinerator 106 (1) flow fluidized-bed incinerator works 106 (2) the characteristics of the fluidized bed incinerator 106 (3) fluidized bed incinerator combustion technology 106 (4) fluidized bed incinerator, the company 107 (5) Incineration Furnace Problems 107 5.2.4 CAO incinerator 108 (1) CAO incinerator works 108 (2) CAO incinerator features 108 (3) CAO incinerator the company 108 (4) CAO incinerator Problems 108 5.2.5 rotary kiln incinerator 109 (1) rotary kiln incinerator works 109 (2) rotary kiln incinerator features 109 (3) rotary kiln incinerator combustion technology 109 (4) rotary kiln incinerator production Corporate 110 (5) rotary kiln incinerator Problems 110 5.3 incinerator dust removal equipment bag filter 110 5.3.1 110 5.3.2 Development and Application Development and Application of ESP 112 5.3.3 ESP and bags Compare precipitator 113 5.4 Market Outlook 117 5.4.1 garbage power plant waste to energy competition equipment market 117 5.4.2 garbage power equipment localization trends 118 5.4.3 Market Outlook garbage power plant 119 Chapter 6: Chinese WTE Factory development model and economic analysis 121 6.1 WTE plant investment patterns and projects 121 6.1.1 garbage power plant investment models 121 (1) garbage power plant investment model 121 (2) BOT project risk and control 122 (3) BOT project Legal Issues boundary conditions and the basic process design 125 124 (4) BOT project (5) BOT project legal option 125 (6) technical problems BOT Project 126 (7) Financial problems BOT Project 127 (8) BOT projects 129 6.1.2 garbage power plant project construction 130 (1) waste to energy production projects 130 (2) of garbage power generation project to be under construction 131 6.2 WTE plant development model and economic development model 132 6.2.1 garbage power plant 132 (1 ) Power garbage purchase mode 132 (2) waste to energy garbage power plant sales model 132 6.2.2 Economic Benefit Analysis 133 (1) of garbage power generation industry cost analysis 133 (2) waste power generation industry revenue analysis 1331) disposal costs at 1332) tariff income 134 (3) 134 WTE economic industry analysis Chapter 7: Chinese garbage power generation operations and business analysis leading equipment 135 7.1 Analysis of the overall situation of enterprise development WTE WTE 135 7.2 Analysis of the major operating companies 135 7.2.1 China Environmental analysis company 135 (1) Enterprise Development Brief analysis 135 (2) organizational structure analysis 136 (3) main business analysis 137 (4) business sales channels and network 138 (5) business case analysis 138 ( 6) the advantages and disadvantages of business conditions in 138 (7) Merger and restructuring enterprises to invest 139 (8) of the latest corporate developments garbage power generation equipment 139 7.3 Analysis of the major operating companies of Hangzhou Boiler Group Co., Ltd. 237 7.3.1 Analysis of operating status 237 (1 ) Enterprise Development Brief analysis 237 (2) organizational structure analysis 238 (3) main business analysis 239 (4) business sales channels and network 239 (5) business financial indicators 2401) analysis of major economic indicators 2402) Enterprise Profitability Analysis 2413) ability to analyze business operations 2424) solvency analysis 2425) Business development analysis of 243 (6) of the business advantages and disadvantages of 244 (7) Merger and restructuring enterprises to invest 244 (8) of the latest developments in business Trend 244 Chapter 8: Chinese investment prospects WTE industry analysis 266 8.1 WTE industry 266 8.1.1 Risk Analysis and Environmental Risks industry prompted 266 (1) of domestic macroeconomic environment impact on the industry and risk prompts 266 (2) Monetary and banking regulatory policies and impact on the industry 266 8.1.2 Risk Warning Risk sectoral policies and prompt 267 (1) industry policy impact and risk prompts 267 (2) Effect of environmental policy and risk warning 267 (3) the impact of energy planning and risk warning 268 8.1.3 Industry market risk and prompt 268 (1) Market price risk and prompt 268 (2) Market Competition Risk and prompted 268 8.2 WTE industry forecast WTE industry 269 8.2.1 drivers 269 8.2.2 2013 --2018 for garbage power generation industry production value forecast 269 8.2.3 2013--2018 for garbage power generation industry revenue forecast 270 8.3 scale garbage power generation industry investment prospects and recommendations 271 8.3.1 WTE industry investment prospects analysis 271 8.3.2 WTE sector investment recommendation 271 (1) The characteristics of waste generation industry 271 (2) of garbage power generation industry investment recommendation 271 Charts Chart 1: WTE industry industrial output and GDP (Unit: 100 million,%) 20 Figure 2: Existing and New Landfill water pollutant emission concentration limits (Unit: mg / L, a / L) 23 Figure 3: value incinerator air emissions of pollutants 24 Figure 4: Distribution of Solid Waste Treatment Plant (Unit: %) 26 Figure 5: Distribution of solid waste treatment capacity (unit:%) 27 Figure 6: solid waste treatment volume of distribution (unit:%) 27 Figure 7: government-led operating company WTE 28 Figure 8: garbage power plant operating company specializing in investment 28 Figure 9: garbage power project investment operating company 29 Figure 10: In recent years, environmental pollution nationwide Investment (Unit: 100 million,%) 31 Figure 11: national urban environmental infrastructure investment in recent years constitute ( Unit: 100 million) 32 Figure 12: Recent nationwide industrial pollution control investment (Unit: million) 33 Figure 13: project "three simultaneous" Investment (Unit: 100 million,%) 34 Figure 14: "Plan "to" five "environmental pollution control investment (Unit: 100 million) 35 Figure 15:" Plan "to the" second five "national environmental pollution control investment accounted for in GDP (unit:%) 35 Exhibit 16: 2013--2018 Environmental industry output forecast (Unit: 100 million) 36 Figure 17: 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry management benefit analysis (unit: family, man, million,%) 40 Figure 18: 2012--2013 China's garbage power industry profitability analysis (unit:%) 41 Figure 19: 2012 - Chinese WTE industry operating capacity analysis 2013 (Unit: Times) 41 Figure 20: 2012--2013 China's waste power generation industry solvency analysis (unit:% , times) 42 Exhibit 21: 2012--2013 China's power industry development capacity of garbage (unit:%) 42 Figure 22: 2012--2013 for garbage power generation industry of major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, home,%) 44 Exhibit 23: 2012--2013 China's medium-sized enterprises of major economic indicators WTE Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 45 Figure 24: 2012--2013 China's small-scale waste to energy business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million people, home,%) 46 Figure 25: 2009--2011 Different scale enterprises quantity trends proportion (unit:%) 47 Figure 26: 2009--2011 years Total assets of enterprises of different sizes trend change proportion (unit: %) 48 Figure 27: 2009--2011 Different scale enterprises sales revenue share trends (unit:%) 48 Exhibit 28: 2009--2011 Different scale changes in the proportion of total corporate profit trend (unit:%) 49 Exhibit 29: 2012--2013 state-owned enterprises are mainly economic indicators WTE Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 50 Exhibit 30: 2012--2013 annual collective waste generation business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people, home,%) 51 Figure 31: 2012--2013 shares in a cooperative waste generation business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 52 Exhibit 32: 2012--2013 shareholding system WTE business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 53 Figure 33: 2012--2013 private sector of waste generation business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 54 Figure 34: 2012-2013 Foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan invested enterprises WTE major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people, family,%) 55 Figure 35: 2012--2013 year Other properties WTE business major economic indicators Statistics (Unit: million, people home,%) 56 Chart 36: 2009--2011 Different nature of the business trends quantity proportion (unit:%) 57 Exhibit 37: 2009--2011 years Total assets of the different nature of business trends proportion (unit:%) 58 chart 38: 2009--2011 Different nature of the business trend of the proportion of sales (unit:%) 58 Exhibit 39: 2009--2011 Different nature of the business trend of the proportion of total profit (unit:%) 59 Exhibit 40: 2007-2011 garbage power generation industry and the growth rate of industrial output trend (Unit: 100 million,%) 60 Chart 41: 2007--2011 for garbage power generation industry and the growth rate of finished products Chart (Unit: million,%) 60 Chart 42: 2012- 10 regional statistics in 2013 among the top industrial output (Unit: million,%) 61 Chart 43: Figure 10 areas the proportion of industrial output value of the top 2011 (unit:%) 62 Chart 44: 2012-2013 10 regions with an annual output of finished among the top tables (Unit: million,%) 62 Chart 45: 2007--2011 for garbage power generation industry sales value and growth changes (Unit: 100 million,%) 63 Chart 46: 2007 - 2011 for garbage power generation industry sales revenue and growth trends (Unit: 100 million,%) 64 Chart 47: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 among the top sales value (Unit: million,%) 64 Chart 48: the proportion of 10 regions in 2011 sales output value of the top (unit:%) 65 chart 49: 2012 - 10 regional statistics in 2013 sales revenue of the top (Unit: million,%) 65 Chart 50: 2011 specific gravity (unit:%) 10 regions with annual sales income of the top 66 chart 51: 2005 - 2011 National WTE industry sales rate trends (unit:%) 67 Chart 52: US Part 69 incineration plants Main Specifications Chart 53: The United States and all of the proportion of waste disposal (unit:%) 69 Chart 54: Japan's basic situation of municipal solid waste disposal (unit: one million tons, Kg / person / day,%, t / day, one million m, year) 71 Chart 55: Japan garbage generation and treatment capacity trends (Unit: million tons) 71 Chart 56: Chart 79 waste incineration process 57: incineration plant effluent standards Table 81 Chart 58: Characteristics of leachate treatment method comparison table 82 Chart 59: Chart 60 84 flue gas purification technology: the pros and cons of various types of waste incinerators 103 Chart 61: Five garbage incinerator in the form of a chart comparing 103 62: grate major equipment Manufacturer 105 Chart 63: fluidized bed 107 major equipment manufacturers Chart 64: bag filter and electrostatic precipitator 116 Chart 65 Comparison Table: My garbage power generation equipment demand forecast 120 Chart 66: BOT project basic structure of 124 Chart 67: China Environmental company organization chart 136 Chart 68: China Environmental Protection Company Advantages and Disadvantages of 138 Chart 69: property rights and control relationship Sound Environmental Resources Co., Ltd. and the actual controller block diagram between 140 Chart 70: 2011 Sound Environment business structure Resources Inc. (unit:%) 141 Chart 71: Sales area 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Co. distribution (unit:%) 141 Chart 72: In 2009 - 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Inc. Analysis of major economic indicators (Unit: million) 142 Chart 73: 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Co. main business by region (Unit: million,%) 142 Chart 74: In 2009 - 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 143 Chart 75: 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Co., Ltd. Main Business (Unit: million,%) 143 Chart 76: In 2009 - 2011 Sound Environment operational capacity analysis Resources Inc. (Unit: Times) 144 Chart 77: In 2009 - 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Inc. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 145 Chart 78: In 2009 - 2011 Sound Environmental Resources Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 145 Chart 79: Sound Environmental Resources Inc. Management Advantages and Disadvantages of 146 Chart 80: Block diagram of the controlling relationship Nanhai Development Co., Ltd. and the actual controller between 148 Chart 81: Nanhai Development Co., Ltd Organization Chart 149 Chart 82: Business Structure 2011 Nanhai Development Co., Ltd. (unit:%) 150 Chart 83: 2009--2011 South Sea Development Co., analysis of major economic indicators (Unit: ten thousand Yuan) 151 Chart 84: 2009--2011 South Sea Development Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 151 Chart 85: Nanhai Development Co., Ltd. Main Business (Unit: million,%) Chart 86 152 : 2009--2011 South Sea Development Co., operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 152 Chart 87: 2009--2011 South Sea Development Co. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 153 Chart 88: 2009-2011 Nanhai Development Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 154 Chart 89: Nanhai Development Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 154 Chart 90: 2009--2011 Energy Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen City marketing capacity analysis (unit: million) 157 Chart 91: 2009--2011 Shenzhen Municipal Energy Environmental Protection Co., profitability analysis (unit:%) 158 Chart 92: 2009--2011 Shenzhen Municipal Energy Environmental Protection Co., operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 158 Chart 93: 2009-2011 Shenzhen Energy Environmental Protection Co., solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 159 Chart 94: 2009--2011 Energy Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. in Shenzhen City development capacity analysis (unit:%) 159 Chart 95: Shenzhen Energy Environmental Protection Co., Ltd. You Disadvantages of 160 Chart 96: Chart of the controlling relationship Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. and the actual controller between 161 Chart 97: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Organization Chart 162 Chart 98: 2010 Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Product Structure (Unit:%) 163 Chart 99: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. The main analysis of economic indicators (Unit: million) 164 100 Chart: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. profitability Analysis (unit:%) 164 101 Chart: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. main business by industry, by product (Unit: million,%) 165 Chart 102: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. operating capacity Analysis (Unit: Times) 166 Chart 103: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 166 Chart 104: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 167 Chart 105: Guangzhou Development Industry (Holdings) Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 167 Chart 106: Chart of the controlling relationship between Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. and the actual control between 170 Chart 107: Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Organization Chart 171 Chart 108: 2011 Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co Ltd business structure (unit:%) 172 109 Chart: 2011 Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., the regional distribution of sales (unit:%) 172 Chart 110: Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. The main analysis of economic indicators (Unit: million) 174 Chart 111: 2011 Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. main business by region (Unit: million,%) 174 112 Chart : 2009--2011 in Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 175 113 Chart: 2011 Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Main Business (Unit: million,%) 175 Chart 114: 2009--2011 in Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. operational capability analysis (Unit: Times) 176 Chart 115: 2009--2011 in Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. solvency analysis (unit:%, times) 176 116 Chart : 2009--2011 in Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. development capacity analysis (unit:%) 177 117 Chart: Shanghai City Investment Holdings Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 177 Chart 118: Golden State Environment Group Co., Ltd. Advantages and Disadvantages of 180 Chart 119: 2009--2011 in Shanghai Pucheng Thermal Power Energy Limited marketing capability analysis (unit: million) 181 Chart 120: 2009--2011 in Shanghai Pucheng Thermal Power Energy Limited Profitability Analysis (unit:%) 182 
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