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Still cloud lighting, Dongguan GE ceramic metal halide lamp, mini GE Ceramic Metal Halide

Still cloud lighting, Dongguan GE ceramic metal halide lamp, mini GE Ceramic Metal Halide
Still cloud lighting, Dongguan GE ceramic metal halide lamp, mini GE Ceramic Metal Halide
Still cloud lighting, Dongguan GE ceramic metal halide lamp, mini GE Ceramic Metal Halide

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Company:Guangzhou Shang Yun Lighting Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Still cloud lighting, Dongguan GE ceramic metal halide lamp, mini GE Ceramic Metal Halide
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Guangzhou Shang Yun Lighting Technology Co. practitioners ten years, we specialize in importing brand light electrical appliances and lighting products. Still cloud lighting Acting US GE20W MR16 CMH, the US General Electric GE ceramic metal halide lighting 35W MR16 et welcomed the purchase. With the rapid development of LED lights, the traditional energy-efficient lighting products development prospects? Experts believe that in the future for a long period of time, the traditional efficient lighting products will coexist, the market share of LED lighting products and LED products will gradually increase, but the ceramic metal halide product will have considerable vitality, ceramic metal halide lamp It is still a hot international electric light source research. According to reports, compared with ceramic metal halide lamp LED lights with good color rendering, high comfort, high efficiency, economy is good, convenient replacement, etc., which combines the advantages of high pressure sodium lamps and metal halide lamps in quartz a high luminous efficiency, good color rendering, long life, light color consistency, in the field of road lighting has broad application prospects. Our ceramic metal halide lamp manufacturing technology has reached the international level. (Xinhua) GE CMH CMH-MR16 GX10 20W / 35W applications mall indoor lighting, outdoor lighting, display lighting, hotel lighting. Power Model CRI initial lumen beam angle Product Code 20 CMH20 / MR16 / UVC / 830 / GX10 / SP 80+ 12000 12 40400 20 CMH20 / MR16 / UVC / 830 / GX10 / FL 80+ 12000 25 40401 20 CMH20 / MR16 / UVC / 830 / GX10 / WFL 80+ 12000 40 42691 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 930 / GX10 / SP 90+ 10000 12 88658 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 930 / GX10 / FL 90+ 10000 25 88659 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 930 / GX10 / WFL 90+ 10000 40 88660 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 942 / GX10 / SP 90+ 12000 12 88661 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 942 / GX10 / FL 90+ 12000 25 88662 35 CMH35 / MR16 / UVC / 942 / GX10 / WFL 90+ 12000 40 88663 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Guangzhou Shang Yun Lighting Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Lichuan Yun(Market)
Telephone Number: 020-28101429
Company Address: People of North Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou City, Dah Sing Bank Building, 5th Floor, 604 B01, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
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