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Supply UV ink cleaner washing water washing water printing supplies

Supply UV ink cleaner washing water washing water printing supplies
Supply UV ink cleaner washing water washing water printing supplies
Supply UV ink cleaner washing water washing water printing supplies

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Company:Foshan Jiu Mullin washing Ltd.
Information Name: Supply UV ink cleaner washing water washing water printing supplies
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Advantages: 1, effective quickly removed all UV inks; 2, the protection of the ink roller, blanket without damaging the rubber body; 3, energy saving, non-toxic non-flammable. UV washing water cleaning roller: roller coated top, close the ink roller blade, gradually adding a small amount of dosage until the ink roller wash, with the amount of clean water. UV washing water clean blankets: Apply this cleaning agent in the towel, horizontal scrub the entire surface. Nine Mullin UV washing water for UV ink developed special washing water, UV washing water is a new ink roller cleaning agent, is a unique formula of green, aromatic odorless, containing biodegradable Non-oil solvent formulations conducive clean and safe environment. The most effective role is able to wash a small amount of water to wash a lot of UV UV inks provide cleaning efficiency, greatly save the cost of procurement, to ensure maximum profit. Today, the use of UV ink printers more and more, which is the development trend of new material, so promoting UV washing water production, indicating that the market demand for UV ink printing products, increasing 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Foshan Jiu Mullin washing Ltd.
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Lin Dongqing()
Telephone Number: 0757-82106221 07571-8210622
Company Address: Foshan Zhangcha Sands Street on the 5th, Foshan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 528000
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