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China Foundation 1200 * 3000 horizontal stainless steel high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot

China Foundation 1200 * 3000 horizontal stainless steel high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot
China Foundation 1200 * 3000 horizontal stainless steel high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot
China Foundation 1200 * 3000 horizontal stainless steel high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot

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Company:Zhucheng China Machinery Co. Foundation
Information Name: China Foundation 1200 * 3000 horizontal stainless steel high temperature and high pressure sterilization pot
Update Time:2015-04-29
Specifications:1200 * 3000
Price Description: RMB/
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 Horizontal autoclaves manufacturing both steam sterilization, but also water sterilization, according to different products to choose different sterilization methods on the configuration can be divided into manual and semi-automatic for meat products, dairy products, soy products, canned fruit and, beverage products, egg products and other food sterilization. 1 horizontal autoclaves Overview and use GT7CW Series Horizontal retorts belongs stationary type, batch sterilization equipment, in order to pass into saturated steam as the heating medium to high-temperature sterilization products, supplemented with compressed air to implement counter-pressure operation, then poured into cold water (warm water) directly forced cooling sterilization equipment. Its lid locking type is the use of self-locking wedge engagement methods to facilitate opening and closing start. It applies to canned goods, beverages, milk, salt products and other products tinplate cans, glass or flexible retort was a real pot boiling temperature sterilization products, so as to achieve the shelf life "commodity sterile" requirements. 2 horizontal autoclaves horizontal autoclaves structure by the pot, lid, opening device, locking wedge, safety interlocks, track, sterilization baskets, steam nozzle and a number of nozzle and other components. Lid sealed with inflatable silicone rubber temperature seals, reliable, long life.
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhucheng China Machinery Co. Foundation
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Contact Person: Mr. Huxiu Jie()
Telephone Number: 0536-6216368
Company Address: Zhucheng Rendezvous Street, Weifang City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 262200
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