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The role of humic acid organic fertilizer for crops humic acid organic fertilizer granulation machine

The role of humic acid organic fertilizer for crops humic acid organic fertilizer granulation machine
The role of humic acid organic fertilizer for crops humic acid organic fertilizer granulation machine
The role of humic acid organic fertilizer for crops humic acid organic fertilizer granulation machine

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Company:Zhengzhou Rui Heng Machinery Manufacturing Co.
Information Name: The role of humic acid organic fertilizer for crops humic acid organic fertilizer granulation machine
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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1. humic acid to produce organic fertilizer: to improve the physical and chemical properties of the soil, thereby improving soil permeability and water retention; activation of soil and fertilizer nutrients that crops easy to absorb; stimulate beneficial soil microbial activity; a stable and functional degradation of toxic substances; promotion of metal ions attracted to anionic, ion leaching to deep soil; help break down soil minerals; enhance plant nutrient uptake and root development; improving plant germination rate; enhance plant resistance to drought, cold, insects and other resilience; improving plant production; improving plant quality. 2. Agriculture Forestry: narrowing the opening of the stomata to reduce water evaporation, the plants and the soil to maintain good water and nutrients, play to improve crop drought resistance; improve a variety of activity and chlorophyll content of plants, so that metabolism strong, strengthen photosynthesis, increased sugar, increase crop cold hardiness, disease resistance and resilience, increase crop yields, complexed trace elements, increase the operating capacity of plants to absorb and trace elements, and promote crop growth machine to improve product quality; by physical and chemical effects of pesticides and pesticide form - fulvic acid complex, can degrade toxic pesticides, reduce pesticide use, improve the efficacy of pesticides, to improve the safety of humans and animals, but also reduce environmental pollution; and re-dubbed humic fertilizer acid organic - inorganic fertilizer efficiency, humic acid fertilizer efficiency, increase fertilizer efficiency, reduce fertilizer fixed back together churn and increase fertilizer efficiency, and played the role of soil improvement. Tel 0371-85616658 Mobile 15617939258 Website www.15617939258.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhengzhou Rui Heng Machinery Manufacturing Co.
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Contact Person: Mr. Manager Ma(Business Manager)
Telephone Number: 0371-85616658
Company Address: 310 State Road and Zhengzhou Xingyang Guangwu Road intersection, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450100
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