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Rui Heng brand production methods organic fertilizer production equipment bio-organic fertilizer raw materials used

Rui Heng brand production methods organic fertilizer production equipment bio-organic fertilizer raw materials used
Rui Heng brand production methods organic fertilizer production equipment bio-organic fertilizer raw materials used
Rui Heng brand production methods organic fertilizer production equipment bio-organic fertilizer raw materials used

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Company:Zhengzhou Rui Heng Machinery Manufacturing Co.
Information Name: Rui Heng brand production methods organic fertilizer production equipment bio-organic fertilizer raw materials used
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Bio-organic fertilizer production methods: available for production, such as municipal solid waste and crop stalks, leaves, weeds, vine, straw, pine shells, peanut shells, sawdust, rice husk powder based on local raw materials, bran, fruit residue, dry bagasse, mushroom residue, lees, lees, sugar residue, slag vinegar, starch residue, cassava residue, citric acid residue, slag soy sauce, monosodium glutamate residue, powder residue, tofu dregs, diesel, cake meal, bran, cotton, rapeseed, moldy feed, sludge, brewery sludge of sugar, slaughter waste, pigwash (Gan) water, leftover food, animal manure and other wastes people. Manure fermentation process operations: general strain amount of 0.2% - 0.5%; raw materials and requirements: The main materials: fruit residue, dry bagasse, mushroom residue, distiller's grains, brewer's grains, sugar residue, slag vinegar, starch residue, cassava slag, citric acid residue, slag soy sauce, monosodium glutamate residue, powder residue, tofu dregs, diesel, oil cake, bran, cotton, rapeseed, moldy feed, sludge, brewery sludge of sugar, slaughter offal material, pigwash (Gan) water, leftover food, human animal feces and other bulk materials. First, the accumulation of fermentation composting materials, by crushing, spices, granulation, drying, screening, product packaging. Tel 0371-85616658 Mobile 15617939258 Website www.15617939258.com 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Zhengzhou Rui Heng Machinery Manufacturing Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
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Contact Person: Mr. Manager Ma(Business Manager)
Telephone Number: 0371-85616658
Company Address: 310 State Road and Zhengzhou Xingyang Guangwu Road intersection, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 450100
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