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Thermostatic valve - Beijing Wo Foer

Thermostatic valve - Beijing Wo Foer
Thermostatic valve - Beijing Wo Foer
Thermostatic valve - Beijing Wo Foer

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Company:Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Wo Foer
Information Name: Thermostatic valve - Beijing Wo Foer
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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Temperature control valve is referred to as the thermostatic valve flow control valve Typical applications in the field of temperature control, the basic principle: by controlling the heat exchangers, air-conditioning units or other hot, cold equipment, a hot (cold) medium inlet flow, in order to achieve outlet temperature control equipment. When the load is changed and by changing the valve opening degree adjusting flow, to eliminate the effect of load fluctuations caused by the temperature returns to the set value. In recent years the construction of new housing has been widely used in the thermostatic valve, thermostatic valve installed on the carrier in residential and public buildings heating radiator. Thermostatic valve temperature can be set according to different requirements of users, its temperature continues to feel part room temperature and according to the current heat demand at any time to automatically adjust the supply of heat to prevent overheating at room temperature, the highest user comfort. Beijing Wo Foer http://www.wofor.cn technology company thermostatic valve capable of effective energy conservation and reduce your heating costs. Self-temperature control valve using a liquid thermal expansion and incompressible liquid principle automatic adjustment. Expansion of the liquid temperature sensor inside the uniform, the control action to proportional control. When accused of medium temperature, temperature of liquid volume in the sensor with the expansion or contraction. When accused of medium temperature higher than the set value, the temperature of liquid expansion, pushing down the valve to close the valve, reducing the flow of heat medium; temperature controlled medium is less than the set value, the temperature of liquid contraction, promote the return spring Open the valve to increase the flow of heat medium. 010-61271833 heating system is based on the statistics of the minimum outdoor temperature under the maximum required heat load design calculations. However, this design temperature thermostatic valve http://www.wofor.cn/productsinfo_136.html occurs only a few days in the cold season, which means that only these days the heating system to run at full capacity throughout the heating season. Generally, the required security room heat load is much smaller than the design value, and the heat load are constantly changing. The entire heating season heat load per day is different. Thermostatic valve automatically according to a predetermined temperature required to maintain accurate, independent impact of climatic conditions. Install a thermostatic valve in each room, security can take advantage of sunlight, lighting, mechanical and human circulated by "free" energy, in order to reach energy-saving effect. Solve the heating system water balance temperature control valve at the top of the two-pipe system is an essential element, to solve water conservancy balance pipe network. 010-61271833 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Wo Foer
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Wang()
Telephone Number: 010-61271833
Company Address: Beijing Daxing District Industrial Development Zone, Beijing, Beijing, China
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