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Manifold - Beijing Wo Foer

Manifold - Beijing Wo Foer
Manifold - Beijing Wo Foer
Manifold - Beijing Wo Foer

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Company:Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Wo Foer
Information Name: Manifold - Beijing Wo Foer
Update Time:2015-04-29
Price Description: RMB/
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 Manifold means heating system, the means for connecting heating main supply and return pipe. Divided into two parts watershed and catchment. Trap is in the water system for heating water distribution system connected to the water supply pipe and the brightest. Catchment is in the water system, heating return pipe for the brightest catchment device is connected. Manifold by the watershed managers and executives composition catchment, watershed competent connected to the distribution system of water supply, its main role is to come from the hot water through the pipe network system buried under the floor to warm the pipe assigned to the indoor required floor heating in each room. Warm water flowing in the tube, it will transfer heat to the floor, and then the radiation heat transfer into the room through the floor. Role purpose 1. floor heating systems, sub-catchment management branch pipeline with several new and mounted thereon exhaust valve, automatic thermostat valve, usually copper more. Small-caliber, many between DN25-DN40. Imported products more. 2. The air conditioning system, or other industrial water systems, also managed a number of branch pipes, namely including the return leg and water supply branch, but larger than DN350-DN1500 range, with steel production, are pressure vessel manufacturing company, it will need to install a pressure gauge thermometer, automatic exhaust valve, pressure regulator valve needs to be installed between the safety valve, vent valve, two containers, and requires automatic bypass line assistance. 3. The water supply system, water separator used effectively avoid loopholes in water management, centralized installation and management of water, and with the multiple use of single-tube reduces pipe procurement costs, but also greatly reduce the construction time, improve efficiency. Water trap is directly connected to the main channel through aluminum reducer, centrally installed in the water meter pool (water meter room), and to achieve a form of outdoor installation, outdoor viewing. Currently table of households across the country are carried out in a wide range. Up points from the function and structure, sub-catchment is divided into three categories: basic, standard and functional. Basic http://www.wofor.cn/productsinfo_150.html: the watershed and catchment trunk dry tubes. Equipped with ball valves on each branch outlet manifold dry tube while dry pipe manifolds are provided with manual vent valve. Basic trap does not have the flow regulation. Standard: Standard manifold is structurally the same as the basic type, except that the ball valve on each trunk substituted by the flow regulating valve. Two manual vent valve is replaced by a dry pipe automatic exhaust valve. Standard manifold can do precision adjustment of each loop flow, even luxurious standard manifold flow control can be achieved artificial intelligence. Functional: Functional manifold http://www.wofor.cn/productsinfo_149.html addition to all the features of the standard model with sub-catchment outside, but also has a temperature, pressure display, traffic automatic adjustment function, automatic mixing with water Heat function, heat metering function, automatic temperature control function for interior partitions, wireless and remote control functions. Currently on the market supply of wireless thermostat, or remote control of imported brands, is Sen Weier's SAS816FHL-O / RF wireless thermostat to warm, but this is not programmable thermostat in order to prevent corrosion, diversity Water generally use copper or synthetic material resistant to corrosion. Commonly used materials are copper, stainless steel, copper and nickel, nickel alloys, high-temperature plastic. Manifold (including connectors, etc.) and external surface should be smooth, without cracks, blisters, cold traps, slag, irregularities and other defects, surface plated connectors, color should be uniform, coating firm, without de-plating defects. 010-61271833 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Beijing Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Wo Foer
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Wang()
Telephone Number: 010-61271833
Company Address: Beijing Daxing District Industrial Development Zone, Beijing, Beijing, China
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