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Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan

Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan
Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan
Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan

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Company:Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co.
Information Name: Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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Walnuts can reduce the intestinal absorption of cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease benefit wholesale walnuts, walnuts have warm lung Dingchuan and prevent cell aging effect, can effectively improve memory, aging and moisturize the skin. Walnut leaves contain antibiotics, so there are bactericidal effect. The nutritional value of walnuts pound brain --- the equivalent of five pounds of eggs or 9 pounds of milk. Walnut proteins in the human body is extremely important lysine, is very beneficial to the brain. Therefore, work pressure and symptoms of people dizziness, forgetfulness, heart palpitations, etc., may wish to try to eat some walnuts. Eat a few walnuts emollient --- where wholesale walnuts, walnut or drink added to the porridge, over time, will feel the skin delicate, moist some walnuts 22.18% crude protein, consisting of soluble protein to which glutamyl acid, followed by arginine and aspartic walnuts. 64.23% crude lipids, which accounted for 93.05% of neutral lipids; neutral lipid and triglyceride 82.05%, 3.86% sterol lipid walnut factory wholesale, free fatty acids 4.80% of total fat and fatty acid composition of neutral lipids in the main. for sub-acid 64.48% -69.95% 13.89% -15.36% and oleic acid; triglyceride fatty acids contained mainly linolenic 69.98; unsaponifiable part of sterol ester mainly β- sitosterol, and a small amount of vegetable oil sterol, stigmasterol oats -5- steroid alcohol, stigmasterol -7- dilute alcohol; 13% carbohydrate; a variety of free essential amino acids; isoleucine wholesale walnuts, leucine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine threonine and lysine, which is 47.50% of the total content of amino acids. Where wholesale walnuts | wholesale Walnut | Jiang Shan provided by Qingdao Jiang Shan Wong Fruit Co. association. Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co. (www.hfd-js.com) strong, credible, in Qingdao, Shandong nuts, dried fruit industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead to break into the glorious mountain and you work for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Huang Shuai()
Telephone Number: 0532-87252896
Company Address: Qingdao Jiaozhou south-B2-03, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 266000
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