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Walnut wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts

Walnut wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts
Walnut wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts
Walnut wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts

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Company:Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co.
Information Name: Walnut wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts
Update Time:2015-04-27
Price Description: RMB/
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Medicinal value of walnuts (6) sweet natured, warm, non-toxic, slightly bitter, slightly astringent. Walnut sweet, warm, into the kidney, lung, large intestine. Can kidney, Gujing strong waist, warm the lung Dingchuan, laxative. Indications: kidney Asthma, back pain; (nucleus wooden barrier) bitter, warm; kidney, astringent fine. 1. Poxue Quyu: for blood stagnation amenorrhea, abdominal pain, blood stasis, blood pooling mad, bruises stasis energy and other illnesses. 2. moistening Hua Chang: for intestinal constipation, dry stool obscure. This product is bitter vent stasis, hepatic blood points, there is a strong blood to regulate menstruation, blood stasis and students new power, suitable for heavier Blood stasis. In addition, both intestines, cough power. 3. tonic strong body, providing nutrition: the animal experiments proved that contain a mixture of walnut oil-fat diet, can increase body weight, serum albumin increased wholesale walnut manufacturers, and elevated blood cholesterol levels, but slower, it is a rare walnut product of a highly nourishing fatty substances. 4. Conservation Skin: rich walnut walnut oil wholesale prices, help moisturize the skin, keeping the body vitality. 5. Anti-cancer: Experiments show that the active ingredient walnut S37 tumor inhibition in mice. For a variety of tumors, such as a certain extent has esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer, lung cancer, thyroid cancer, lymphosarcoma technologies such as walnut. In addition, there is pain in patients with cancer, walnut, white blood cells and enhance the protection of the liver and so on. 6. brain: A new Oxford University study found that: Children often eat fish and nuts good results. Omega-3 fatty acids in the blood of children (especially DHA), the higher the level, the child, the better reading ability and memory where wholesale walnut, the probability of occurrence of behavioral problems also lower. Omega-3 fatty acids, the main food sources include: sardines, mackerel, salmon and tuna and other deep-sea fatty fish, flaxseed and walnuts and other nuts Indications eat it can enhance physical fitness, run muscle, brain, black hair. Eat diuresis, to five hemorrhoids. The Peach mashed meat and pepper into the pores, the president of the black hair. Walnut and pine ashes research, can be deposited cervical lymphadenopathy fester. Also eating walnuts make appetizers, moisture and blood, flesh and delicate. Qi and blood, moistening phlegm, benefits Vital, Lee triple burner, warm the lung intestines, governance Deficiency Asthma, waist and heavy pain, confidants colic, intestinal wind Campylobacter walnut wholesale, bulk swelling, sores pox , made of copper poisoning. With breaking paper pill clothes, make up the next focus. Governance injury, urinary tract stones. Crisp acid leads to tooth eating people can ponder walnut solution. Adhere to eat twice a week, the risk of walnuts reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes by 24%. And walnuts contain a reducing atherosclerosis, let artery to keep the soft component, it also contains antioxidants and α- linolenic acid, which will protect nitric oxide, it protects the arteries, contribute to good health. After the rash fever in children can not eat, must bogey six months, otherwise it will Hua Chang, dysentery than. Eat move phlegm, people nausea, vomiting water, spit food. Will move wind, off people eyebrow. With wine overeat, make people hemoptysis. But it is worth noting: the walnut is impotence, but cancer patients do not eat; otherwise lumps grow walnuts wholesale prices, Jiang Shan (certified), wholesale walnuts provided by Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan Fruit Co. association. Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co. (www.hfd-js.com) is Qingdao, nuts, dried fruit leader, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and satisfy customers needs. Mountains in Xinjiang leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create a better future for the mountain border. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Qingdao Fu Huang Jiang Shan association Fruit Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Huang Shuai()
Telephone Number: 0532-87252896
Company Address: Qingdao Jiaozhou south-B2-03, Qingdao City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 266000
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