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Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color grain paint small investment venture

Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color grain paint small investment venture
Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color grain paint small investment venture
Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color grain paint small investment venture

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Company:Hebei sand painting wall material
Information Name: Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color grain paint small investment venture
Update Time:2015-04-25
Specifications:5 kg
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Taiyuan grain color paint shop efficiency proxy how | 3D color paint small grain d venture investment project exclusively developed paint color grain production lot for sale, 3d grain paint color paint and wallpaper is a set of advantages in a new water-based paint can DIY according to their wishes were to create different visual effects. It not only avoids the paint color of unity, there is no sense of hierarchy, three-dimensional defects, but also to overcome the wallpaper easy to crack, Alice, seams and other shortcomings. Environmental protection is a trend of modern paints, but also more and more people pay attention to the modern decor. This is why the 3d paint color tablets became a hit, quickly open market reasons lies. Grain paint color to join a sunrise industry, environmental health, art personalized response to the national advocate green policies, convoy escort with national policy, grain color latex paint will occupy the majority share of the market with traditional wallpaper and with the formation new competitive situation. Paint color tablets low cost and high profits, even if the three split the market, and that your profit is extremely high. 3d paint color tablets as a new type of concept of green paint, with high cost, it appears as a wall decoration, home design has opened a new chapter in history. Caramel Music factory attention to detail, continuous research and development, grasp the trend, the introduction of the best products, stable service, comprehensive support poly Lancaster brand, effective activation dealer profit return. Just joined Caramel Music grain paint color, no initial fee agency fees, the first purchase of the late return of all, no real investment in the venture, makes money. Many advantages grain paint color, the product value created a large demand in the market closely most favorable era in the next 2-3 years. You can join and enjoy the largest regional protection and best discount rebate, all field trips who Caramel Music reimbursed travel expenses back and forth, learning room and board during the new product for free Distribution, your satisfaction is our pursuit! Caramel Music all people sincerely welcome your visit! 3d color paint exclusively developed to produce large amounts of grain to sell. http://www.jdzj.com/p43/2015-4-20/12073446.html http://info.b2b168.com/s168-45945950.html http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/guizaonichangjia/ sell / itemid-44382849.html http://www.cntrades.com/b2b/guizaonichangjia/sell/itemid-44569135.html http://info.b2b168.com/s168-45980632.html Taiyuan grain color paint shop benefit agent How | 3D color grain paint small investment venture
Contact Detail
Company Name: Hebei sand painting wall material
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Drainage Aijun(Manager)
Telephone Number: 0311-85826877
Company Address: Yuhua Road, Yuhua District, 106-1, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 050000
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