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Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry Haihan

Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry Haihan
Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry Haihan
Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry Haihan

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Company:Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou Haihan
Information Name: Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry Haihan
Update Time:2015-04-25
Price Description: RMB/
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 Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou Haihan products weightlessness mixer, powder equipment, mixing equipment, powder production line, thermal insulation equipment. Belt dryer performance characteristics ◎ can adjust the amount of air, heating temperature, residence time and feed rate to achieve the best drying results. ◎ device configuration flexibility, you can use the network with a cooling system flush systems and materials. ◎ most of the air recycling, saving energy height. ◎ unique air distribution device mushrooms belt dryer, hot air more evenly distributed with dryer, to ensure product quality and consistency. ◎ heat source can be steam, oil, electricity or coal-fired (oil) supporting the stove. Vegetable dehydration dryer were feeder, drying beds, heat and humidity and fans and other major components. Dryer work. Cold air through the heat exchanger for heating herbs belt dryer, using reasonable scientific robin fashion, so that the hot air flow through a uniform heat and mass transfer dates belt dryer through the bed surface is dry material, the body of the unit heat flow in the role of circulating hot air circulating fan, low temperature and high humidity, and finally discharged air smoothly and efficiently complete the drying process. Pepper belt dryer, belt dryer, dry generosity provided by Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. generosity. Haihan Changzhou Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.haihandry.com) strong, credible, in Changzhou, Jiangsu drying equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead Haihan dry and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou Haihan
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Dipp()
Telephone Number: 0519-83983995
Company Address: Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province town of Mou Cheng Ka 1, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 213116
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