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Complete sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment

Complete sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment
Complete sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment
Complete sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment

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Company:Northern Machinery Plant in Taiyuan
Information Name: Complete sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment
Update Time:2015-04-21
Price Description: RMB/
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 Natural sand supply in recent years due to carry the banner sand, natural river sand mining more sets of sand washing equipment, capable of large-scale excavation of the area and river sand washing equipment, after years of mining, resources in rapid decline some areas have been depleted or natural sand is nearly exhausted, and rivers in some areas, in order to maintain the natural landscape, river bank protection dam, protection of ecological balance, mining regulations prohibited. Therefore, the quantity and quality of natural sand are far failed to meet the future needs of national infrastructure and other construction, for which only the active promotion of sand sand equipment, in order to alleviate the obvious contradictions. Reliable quality sand. Through field investigation and testing sand quality sand washing equipment, ZM series Sand production line produced to meet a variety of concrete (including high-performance high-strength concrete) needs. Application has been very widely abroad, through a variety of test data to prove, and sand with a fineness modulus is fairly stable, its quality far exceeds the natural sand. Sand washing machine uses vibration points using sand washing machinery and equipment, we all want it to be able to high efficiency low power consumption, shock for sand washing machine is also the same, but a lot of people missed the point that the rational use of shock sand washing machinery equipment efficiency will be higher. There are some customers in the sand washing machine vibration during use and do not strictly follow the procedure may then did not find any special circumstances, but for a long time so will greatly affect the efficiency sand washer equipment. Sometimes we work in order to finish the work and let the shock stone washing machine equipment continued to work at high temperatures, resulting in sand washing machine motor temperature rises, and in severe burn these will drag on the motor efficiency sand washing machine. For the hot summer weather we want to get the right amount of sand washing machine equipment rest, not continuous operation without interruption. For vibration in the open air conditions jobs sand washing machine devices, but also to pay attention to some details, such as washing installation location, terrain and conditions surrounding sand equipment, try to avoid some of the negative factors. Do not let sand washing machine equipment to accept any rain exposure. Do sand washing machine vibration protection work will greatly improve the efficiency of the machine sets of sand washing equipment, machinery factory in northern Taiyuan, Xinzhou sand washing equipment provided by Taiyuan North Machinery Plant. Taiyuan Northern Machinery Factory (www.sxbfjx.net/) is Taiyuan, machining leader, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and satisfy customer needs. Machinery Plant in Taiyuan in northern leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create Taiyuan North Machinery Plant a better future. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Northern Machinery Plant in Taiyuan
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Liang Jingli()
Telephone Number: 0351-3924032
Company Address: Lan Lan town Taiyuan, Shanxi Province on the south gate of the village Jiancaoping, Taiyuan, Shanxi, China
Zip/Postal Code: 030000
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