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Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company

Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company
Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company
Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company

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Company:Xiamen Cheng Yi Logistics Ltd.
Information Name: Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company
Update Time:2015-04-21
Price Description: RMB/
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 Xiamen Cheng Yi Logistics Co., Ltd. is a City of Industry, tax incorporated an independent legal personality of logistics enterprises. In credit management and scientific management, has become a collection of land, air and sea as one of modern logistics company in Xiamen business flow activities to Yan'an logistics company, ownership of the goods at the moment of purchase and sales contracts signed, they made for Fang shifted to the demand side, while commodity entity has not been moved. In addition to non-physical delivery of futures trading, the general flow of commerce must be accompanied by appropriate logistics process, that in accordance with the demand side (the purchaser) requires the physical goods by the supplier (seller) in an appropriate way, way transfer to the demand side. In this whole process of circulation, logistics is actually the successor's attitude and service providers streams arise. No effect on logistics, under normal circumstances, the flow of commerce activities will degenerate into a dead letter. The need to support the development of e-commerce logistics, is the truth. Xiamen Cheng Yi Logistics Co., Ltd. is a City of Industry, tax incorporated an independent legal personality of logistics enterprises. In credit management and scientific management, has become a collection of land, air and sea as one of modern logistics company. Also known as the online e-commerce logistics, logistics, logistics company is based on Internet technology, is designed to promote the creative development of the logistics industry, new business models; Xiamen via the Internet to Hanzhong logistics companies, logistics companies can be the owner of a wider range of customers to take the initiative to find, be able to expand their business in the country and around the world; trading companies and factories to be more cost efficient to find the most suitable logistics company; online logistics committed to the world's largest number of companies have the logistics needs of shippers and logistics service logistics companies drawn together to provide a neutral, honest and free online logistics market, both supply and demand efficient logistics help reach a deal. Have more and more customers through online logistics market to find customers, found a partner, find overseas agents. The maximum value of the Internet to provide logistics, that is, more opportunities. Xiamen to Weinan logistics company _ _ Xiamen to Shangluo logistics company logistics company Limited by Xiamen Cheng Yi logistics. Xiamen Cheng Yi Logistics Limited (www.xmwlzx.com) is Xiamen, domestic freight leader, over the years, the company is implementing the scientific management, innovation and development, the principle of honesty and trustworthiness, and satisfy customer needs. Cheng Yi in Xiamen Logistics leadership with the staff warmly welcome all inquiries negotiations to create Xiamen Cheng Yi logistics a better future. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Xiamen Cheng Yi Logistics Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wong()
Telephone Number: 0592-5652197
Company Address: Xiamen Huli District Takasaki C district warehouse freight hub, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 361000
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