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2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane

2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane
2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane
2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane

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Company:Leung Fai Transportation Co., Ltd. Hangzhou
Information Name: 2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane
Update Time:2015-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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2015 Wenzhou lowest price cost-effective SBS APP EPDM waterproofing membrane factory direct contact Mr. Mao: 15988820786 wet-laid special type polyester composite waterproofing membrane is made of polyester film (aluminum, plastic composite), self-adhesive materials isolation material, its unique material properties and construction techniques of wet-laid process has the following salient features: super bonding properties, with the primary bond strength beyond imagination. Conserve resources, reduce resource consumption, and waterproof wonders, high standard waterproof laminated construction of a more waterproof effect. Safety and environmental protection, the use of cement-based materials wet laid, without primer, hot melt, no volatile solvents, no fire hazard, no personal injury. Adapt to the harsh construction environment, wet, uneven base surface can calmly. Strong resistance to damage, if damaged, repair is extremely simple. Cement-based adhesive material covers maintenance, with rigid waterproof, waterproof layer that was two defense. No "channeling water" at risk, according to leaks can be easily found in water damage to the point, easy maintenance, low maintenance costs, one hundred percent true "self shrink" performance. Fool construction applications, and easy operation. The new production line can produce 2M wide coil, reducing overlap, construction faster and better results, especially for construction Omo. Second, the use of the basement, roof and other water projects. Third, the physical and mechanical properties (Executive Q / ZB012-2005 corporate standards) project surface material PET (aluminum) PET + AL (plastic composite) impermeability pressure, MPa 0.2 holding time, min 120, impervious degree heat - 75 ℃, heat 2h, no bubbles, no sliding tension N / 50 mm ≥ 130 100 Elongation at Break,% ≥ 50 degree low temperature -15 ℃, Φ20mm, 3s, 180 °, no cracks shear properties of N / mm ≥ roll outer membrane material with 2.0 or adhesive surface membrane rupture and release properties of aluminum N / mm ≥ 1.5 or outer adhesive surface rupture with the cement bond strength N / mm ≥ 2.5 or outside the shear performance adhesive surface breaking 2.0 release properties outside or adhesive surface rupture impermeable four puncture resistance, waterproof construction process before construction will eradicate grassroots projections and clean. Grassroots advance fully wet, then wipe the grout shop. Can be used as base flatness poor cement mortar. Cut sheet, roll down yer face isolation film. The spread on the cement rolled coil (sand) pulp. Exhaust air coil underneath, while the overlapping edges of adjacent coils solid paste (lap width of 60mm). V. Size Thickness (mm) Width (mm) Length (m) 1.5 1000 20 VI Notes membrane should be stored under dry and ventilated environment, to prevent the sun and rain. Different specifications of the coils should be stacked separately. Membrane should be flat, stacking height should not exceed four. Away from the fire, the storage period of one year. Membrane transport should be flat, not tilted or cross lateral pressure. Specifications: Length 15 meters wide and one meter (15 sq / roll) Thickness: 1.5MM thick
Contact Detail
Company Name: Leung Fai Transportation Co., Ltd. Hangzhou
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Mao Qingjiang(Business)
Telephone Number: 8615988820786
Company Address: 212, Hangzhou Dong bridge, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang, China
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