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Magnesium alloy billets

Magnesium alloy billets
Magnesium alloy billets
Magnesium alloy billets

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Company:Jiaozuo's Spirit of Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Magnesium alloy billets
Update Time:2015-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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Product Description Applications: Suitable for machining magnesium alloy strip, machinery and equipment. Implementation of the standards: GB / T5153, ASTM B90 / B90 M, ASTM B107 / B107M Material: AZ31B, AZ31D, AZ61A, AZ80A, AZ91D, ZK series, AE series. Process: The semi-continuous casting of magnesium alloy, magnesium alloy products produced on the tissue finer, more uniform in composition, internal denser, having high strength and elongation and so on. 1, by pipetting, secondary refining, high purity, low impurity, magnesium liquid directly from the holding furnace casting furnace pilot, rapid crystallization and improve the internal microstructure of billets dense, compact internal crystalline more reasonable physical properties also greatly enhanced than conventional cast products. 2, the flux slag content molding products tends to zero, inert gas protection device, so that the flux slag content is greatly reduced, improving product quality. Traditional process of smelting process is completely exposed to the air, and so can only rely on the flux flame retardant material. 3, flaw detector device for billet internal quality testing, the use of advanced equipment testing the chemical composition of the billet, to ensure delivery of magnesium alloy billet surface smooth, clean, magnesium alloy billets internal nonporous, no shrinkage, no slag, to further ensure the high quality and purity of the slab. 4, the length of the shape of the flexible random, according to user requirements skinned, cut segments. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Jiaozuo's Spirit of Light Alloy Technology Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Mr. Xing()
Telephone Number: 03913580777
Company Address: Wuzhi Industrial Park, Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, China
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