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Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes

Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes
Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes
Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes

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Company:Dry and International Logistics Limited
Information Name: Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes
Update Time:2015-04-03
Specifications:Hangzhou imported timber clearance Notes
Price Description: RMB/
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Ningbo imported timber clearance agent / Ningbo imported timber customs broker / timber imports required fee timber import customs clearance company, timber import customs clearance, timber import customs clearance, timber import customs clearance company, timber import customs agents, import customs agents Company please contact: Customs Advisor: Liu China Mobile: 18268090720 micro letter: 18268090720 Tel: 0574-81891646 QQ: 0574-3186039897 Address: Ningbo Jiangdong District Road 1018 CAS Xintiandi a 1308 dry room and business projects: timber imports newspaper declaration, import timber processing, timber imports Cost agent timber import clearance process depends on the following: 1, the owner of the estimates and the expected import taxes differ widely. 2, because the error in the import clearance process time demurrage and documentation, resulting in a lot of additional costs. 3, timber import customs clearance company operating for too long, resulting in cargo turnover is too slow, affecting cash flow import a cabinet timber clearance cost? What documents need to apply? A: Our company has a rich seasoned wood, timber, wood products, furniture imports on experience in Ningbo Port. 1. The fastest time for customer inquiries related to timber in South America, Africa, customs import at trial 2. flexibility and fast technical handling of timber import declaration packing slips, invoices and other filings. 3.; through a reasonable request to provide customers with fast port timber import clearance disinfection, fumigation and quarantine work. 4.; for timber import declaration save wharfage, cabinet rental to facilitate the fastest time of delivery. 'Imports of a cabinet timber clearance cost? What documents need to apply? Second: We have agents operational advantages in Hong Kong by the cargo agent for its customers, delivery, loading, keep pushing, switch port, warehouse unpacking, warehousing. Another agent, Hong Kong inspection, fumigation certificates certificate Pratt & Whitney and other operational processes: logistics route:; -------- Pier (customs clearance) ------; Haibang disinfection field ----- ---- shipping manufacturers workflow: 1; to the bill of lading for a single, half-day 2 (or both) to declare in advance inspection, the inspection alone, 2 days 3; official customs declaration, release, 1 day 4; harbor towing , wait in disinfection and quarantine, health treatment, 15 days 5; signature, delivery from the port, half-day (or more working days for general operating loss, to the specific operational arrangements) agent logistics advance fee: 1 for a single Fee: 2 wharfage: 3 container rental: 4 mention Trucking: 5 charge counter charges:; 6 Parking:; agents seized declaration charges: a customs agent:; 2 inspection agency:; check counters Inner Harbor 3: 4 quarantine disinfection : 5 African Timber sanitization fee:; 6 project agency commission: ----------- (to be negotiated, see check counter the epidemic may be) inspection fees: a fraction of 2.7 / ticket ( by inspection invoice) taxes: tax bill of your account turn dry and import logistics (dry and import clearance of import and export company as coordinates East, will continue with the sincere attitude to domestic and international passenger business) Our company has a wealth of timber, sheet metal, wood flooring, furniture, wood in South America, Southeast Asia, timber, wood and other African timber import customs clearance experience, be able to delegate to Tianjin Port, Qingdao Port, Shanghai, Xiamen, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Dongguan and Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Zhongshan, Hong Kong and other wood import customs clearance services. Mobile: 18268090720 Tel: 0574-81891646 QQ: 0574-3186039897 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dry and International Logistics Limited
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Liu(Sales)
Telephone Number: 81891546
Company Address: Ningbo CAS Road 1018 Building a new world 1210B room, Ningbo City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 315000
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