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Military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt

Military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt
Military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt
Military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt

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Company:Yiwu City is still into outdoor plant (Nimda Belt)
Information Name: Military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt
Update Time:2015-04-03
Price Description: RMB/
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 Although a device with 鐍 leather belt, but sometimes also be used ribbon. Such different military ribbons and silk sash belt material, it is a kind of silk fabric woven into a wide belt. Historical records in common with Gun belt, woven belt with brand names such as military, refers to this belt. Such as "Shu Yi Ji", said: "Zuxin see Monk Yi Rong Shen-shaped bed with a woven envelope decorated with treasure." "Dong Guan Han Ji": "Zheng (Deng) compliance Hun broken, so the band gave Diamond Clan Gun a. Gold, ginger, brown belt is a popular choice where the main colors of military belt, popular index is the highest. But from the perspective of military utility belt, black, brown or gold belt belt a little more real wear. with fake gems class more suitable belt decorated denim, leopard pattern and fabrics fashion pants harder. belt color best little deeper than the skirt or trousers, it is easier to bundle the ideal body type. and T-shirt with the same color, is the most a harmonious manner easy to grasp. military belts brand, military belts, Nimda belt provided by Yiwu Shang-Jin outdoor plant (Nimda belt). Yiwu City is still into outdoor plant (Nimda belt) (shop1357667504316.1688. com /) strong, credible, Jinhua in Zhejiang tourism, outdoor products industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improve the innovative ideas will lead Nimda belt and you hand into the brilliant, total create a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yiwu City is still into outdoor plant (Nimda Belt)
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Fung()
Telephone Number: 0579-85960422
Company Address: Fourth District, Yiwu International Trade City Gate City 73 floor commercial spaces connecting body 3 Street 45208, Jinhua City, Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 322000
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