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Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low price

Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low price
Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low price
Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low price

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Company:Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou City Unified
Information Name: Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low price
Update Time:2015-01-26
Price Description: RMB/
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 Working process drum dryer for: solid-liquid drying process required by the high slot inside the dryer drum by inflows trough, so that the material from cloth thin film device (a film) attached to the drum surface, there is heat through the drum media, the food industry to use more steam drum dryer manufacturers, the pressure is generally 0.2 ~ 6MPa, the temperature in the drum drier between 120 ~ 150 ℃, the material in the drum rotation so that moisture from simple wall heat of vaporization, rolling Jane a rotation cycle is completed cloth film, vaporization, dehydration process, the dried material scraped by the scraper, by the screw conveyor to the finished product storage tank, and finally pulverized or packaged directly. The evaporated water in the heat transfer medium, depending on the nature of the sealing case can be introduced into or be discharged dust trapping within a respective processing means. Uniform drying drum dryer scope widely used in food, feed, chemical, pharmaceutical, mining, compost and other industries. According to the requirements of drying products Changzhou drum dryers, can be a different source. Such as: direct thermal stove, indirect stove, oil, electric heating, steam and so on. It applies to all kinds of bad residue material moisture less than 85% of the dry, such as brewer's grains, distillers, Marc, dregs, bad sauce, sugar residue, starch residue, manure, slaughterhouse waste and other drum dryers structure for open feed resources, reduce feeding costs, reduce environmental pollution has a good effect. Drum dryer product information, drum dryers, low prices offered by Changzhou Drying Equipment Co. unity. Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou unity (tongyidrying.com) strong, credible, in Changzhou, Jiangsu drying equipment industry has accumulated a large number of loyal customers. The company better work attitude and constantly improving innovative ideas will lead the unified dry and you hand into the brilliant, for a better future! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Drying Equipment Co., Ltd. Changzhou City Unified
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wang Ronghua()
Telephone Number: 0519-88672588
Company Address: Sanhe Town, Wujin District Cheng mouth down industrial area, Changzhou, Jiangsu, Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 213115
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