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Car production equipment manufacturers urea solution

Car production equipment manufacturers urea solution
Car production equipment manufacturers urea solution
Car production equipment manufacturers urea solution

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Company:Huaibei Huiyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co...
Information Name: Car production equipment manufacturers urea solution
Update Time:2015-01-26
Price Description: RMB/
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Vehicle Equipment Overview urea solution production project car with urea is dedicated diesel exhaust gas purification reductant. It is an odorless, non-toxic solution, stored in a special storage container diesel vehicles. When the exhaust gases from the engine, it will arrive in conjunction with SCR exhaust gas catalytic converter, then the nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water, thereby greatly reducing emissions. Urea abroad generally called Adblue or DEF, with Adblue diesel cars have a separate container for storage. For now? SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction Technology) technology into the country Ⅳ standard diesel engine technology of choice. Domestic engine manufacturers are beginning to use? SCR? Technology to meet environmental requirements. To reduce the pollution caused by automobile exhaust to the atmosphere, our country will be fully implemented IV emission standards. With the date of implementation of national standards gradually approaching four urea traditional chemical products is also expected to shine with new vitality. In fact, in Europe, 2006? Has already begun to implement this policy. European diesel exhaust treatment liquid called? Adblue. In the United States, 2010? In the beginning, with the EPA2010? Implementation of standards, but also increased the overall automotive urea solution application implementation efforts in the US, diesel exhaust treatment liquid called? DEF (Diesel? Exhaust? Fluid). The main representatives BlueDEF like. However, in China, for the production of diesel exhaust treatment fluid is still an emerging industry. Currently the largest amount of foreign European market, sales of urea during 2006 European network has been formed, the main retail outlets and two forms of urea pumping station. Currently gas stations in the whole of Europe can buy the car with urea. In 2010 its market demand has reached more than 3 million tons. Domestic demand: National Five-Year Plan requires nitrogen oxide emissions by 10%. 2011-2015, the state has promulgated the fourth and fifth stages of the national vehicle fuel standards, and heavy-duty diesel vehicles using SCR technology stock, car production equipment manufactured urea solution Adblue is an essential accessory products. Currently heavy-duty diesel vehicles from the full implementation of the four countries just over two months, and has been implemented in most parts of the country actually four, but the market is still not enough car with adequate supply of urea. Now the user to purchase a vehicle from two sources of urea and urea filling station on the market out of the barrels, bags and other small package urea. Due to lack of facilities dedicated filling urea, users generally choose to buy their own small package filling urea. Urea filling station was a general lack of concern in the industry. For the use of SCR technology roadmap country four diesel vehicles, urea has become a consumable, need to keep filling. In other words, urea and diesel fuel, as is the country's four diesel vehicles "second fuel", but now urea compared to the gas station filling station is still relatively scarce. Several commercial companies had conducted a survey earlier this year, at 688 stations surveyed, only six supply of urea, of which only one gas station filling machine urea, urea 5 supply small package. Urea in the survey area gas station supply rate is very low, only 1% in the 13 provinces surveyed 54 prefecture-level city of 113? Large auto parts market, or service station, the individual dealers only 43 field stations provide a small package of urea, urea supply rate of 38%. May 15, 2014, the State Council issued the "2014 -2015 low-carbon energy saving development action plan", pointed out before the end of 2014, the national supplier of automotive diesel four criteria. ? 2014 "eleven" period, a number of provinces, including Jiangsu, Fujian, Sichuan, have released their own national policy on the promotion of four oil. Among October 1, 2014 as a node, Fujian Province is the country to promote the use of four standard diesel in the province, Jiangsu province, selected 12 cities to promote the lead, but is based in Chengdu, Sichuan as the main promotion place. It seems that the overall situation in the country to promote the four diesel has become increasingly clear, perhaps, "the country four times" really want to come. But it is worth mentioning that, in our mainstream technology roadmap to upgrade the country's four adopted SCR technology? Intraoperative urea solution is to add a car key vehicle to achieve national IV emission standards. ???? With the car market in the form of urea increasingly clear, the car is also gradually increasing urea solution production equipment manufacturers, vendors manufacturing facilities uneven levels, there is the presence of the production process is also diversity in the market at present There are three, one is the raw material for high-purity urea (natural gas and chemical products) is directly proportional mixed with high-purity water, the advantages: low equipment cost disadvantage: the high cost of raw materials urea (high-purity urea price per ton 3500-4200), urea finished more than double the price per ton of finished industrial urea, there is no price advantage; the other is industrial urea as raw material by heating to cooling preparing high purity urea, then mixed with the high water, the advantages: low-cost equipment, urea feedstock for urea and disadvantages: pungent odor of ammonia will be produced, purified waste of time to produce more of urea certain waste materials; there is to KLS technology-based urea purification equipment, Advantages: raw materials for industrial urea production process does not produce any pollutants, easy operation and low cost car finished with urea, have an advantage in the market competition, Disadvantages: equipment costs slightly higher than some. Get more recognition on the market today is the third process, as well as equipment for the process, customers should choose the time into account, but also consider the overall strength of the company, to buy their own equipment. ? Our company as a vehicle urea solution production equipment manufacturers, production technology for KLS production process, following a thorough introduction to the details of our company car urea solution production equipment. ?? Vehicle urea solution was colorless, transparent, clear liquid, at a concentration between 31.8% -33.2%, for the reduction of nitrogen oxides. Currently the car used by urea solution generally consists of 32.5% urea and 67.5% of high-purity deionized water. Vehicle urea scientific name is diesel exhaust treatment liquid, commonly known as domestic: automotive urea, urea vehicle, automotive environmental urea, vehicle denitration agent, but the most common is called vehicle urea. The earliest use of the car in Europe, with a urea solution, called Adblue, North America, called DEF (Diesel Exhaust Fluid, that diesel exhaust treatment liquid). In domestic SCR (selective catalytic reduction) technology into the country Ⅳ standard diesel engine technology of choice, when the exhaust gas from the engine exhaust, it will arrive in conjunction with SCR exhaust gas catalytic converter, then the nitrogen oxides into harmless nitrogen and water thus greatly reduce emissions, domestic engine manufacturers are beginning to use SCR? technology to meet environmental requirements, therefore, SCR system with urea solution needed to become a vehicle diesel equivalent consumables. ??? Current vehicle urea solution needs mainly in Beijing, Shenzhen, Shanghai and other cities bus company, there is no social market demand, therefore, the current car is directly supplied with urea sales, using bottled way, 10L / barrel , easy to add. Currently, the domestic industrial urea prices hovering around 1800 yuan / ton, while the price of urea solution used car for 3500 yuan / ton, by contrast, car urea profit more impressive. To reduce the pollution caused by automobile exhaust to the atmosphere, our early 2015 the full implementation of national IV emission standards, due to the country's four standard upgrade to take selective catalytic reduction technology, so the car will be sold with a blowout urea, urea car sales market is very optimistic about the prospects Therefore, the number of car manufacturers to increase urea solution production equipment, and was followed by quality problems, the customer needs to consider when purchasing equipment. Car production equipment urea solution production process: ??? car urea (urea car, automobile environmental urea) the scientific name is diesel exhaust treatment fluid. Applied to a diesel engine. It is a kind of SCR technology must be used to consumables, diesel exhaust to reduce nitrogen oxide contaminated liquids. Its composition is 32.5% and 67.5% of high-purity urea deionized water. Car urea solution production equipment System Description: Car urea solution production equipment by pre-mixing systems, heat exchange system, the beginning of the filtration system, homogeneous systems, bleaching systems, purification systems, regeneration system, etc., this operating mode is currently the advanced and mature automotive urea solution production equipment, has entered the stage of mass production industries. A) vehicle urea solution production equipment premixed system: a uniform system to remove part of the liquid raw material aldehydes, and play homogenization. B) the vehicle urea solution production equipment exchange system (optional): Adjust to process the required temperature. Bagged granular urea need to be heated to more soluble urea granules (Party steam). C) the vehicle early filtered urea solution production equipment and bleaching systems: urea removal of suspended solids and other impurities floating guarantee after the procedure is not affected. Decolorization system using high-quality activated carbon adsorption bleaching, other organic impurities removal urea, urea solution more clear. Four) car production equipment urea solution fine filtration system: to prevent decolorization system activated carbon particles into the after-treatment processes, product quality, after the impact. Five) vehicle urea solution production equipment purification systems: a multi-level approach purification tower, to remove urea solution in a variety of ions, biuret, phosphate and other impurities to ensure that products meet the Chinese Society of Automotive Engineers Technical specifications GB 29518-2013 diesel reducing engine aqueous urea nitrogen oxides (AUS 32) standards. Six) Vehicle Equipment urea solution microfiltration system: * Some visually production process piping, storage tanks, power equipment, etc. may produce an invisible residual impurities, to ensure stable and reliable product quality. Seven) vehicle urea solution production equipment to restore the regenerative system: purification tower gradual failure in the process of the production process, to reach a certain period needed to restore the regenerative treatment process takes 6-8 hours. Purification tower regenerated by reduction of repeated use, can fully meet the requirements of the original production process. Each regeneration cycle process will produce two tons of wastewater, the wastewater does not contain other heavy metals, mainly PH value does not meet the requirements. After the adjustment can be achieved and environmental emission standards?. Eight) wastewater treatment systems: the reduction of waste generated during the regeneration processing, to meet emissions standards. The other aspects of the design, not the scope of this program and offer. Wastewater treatment process: ???? wastewater wastewater collection tank → → PH regulating pond wastewater treatment pond ?? vehicle production equipment production process stages advantages, disadvantages and costs of the first process:?? With industrial crystallization of urea price (3800- 4300) yuan / ton, + ultra-pure water equipment, to produce three tons per ton, the average price of 1300 yuan / ton + packaging section, about cost about 2100 yuan. Advantages equipment less investment (5-10) Wan / sets, high production costs are not conducive to market competition. ? The second process: using industrial heating purified crystalline urea, 1.5 tons of urea crystals to produce 1 ton, cost (2400-2800) yuan / ton, a ton of production by about three tons, the average cost (800-900) yuan / ton + Packaging costs about 2,000 yuan, less investment advantages of equipment, (8-15) Wan / sets, shortcomings required boiler heating (to consider the environmental requirements) as electrically heated (myself need a transformer 100), power consumption 180 kilowatts per hour / hour third process:? using industrial urea + ultrapure water filtration purification process, without heating the advantages and disadvantages of investment is large (15-28) Wan / sets, the cost per ton (500-600 Yuan) t + package of about 1500 yuan / ton urea solution automobile production equipment cost analysis:? 10L pail 6-7 yuan; standard 0.15 yuan (is back); carton 2.4-2.8 yuan / month; Dispenser 0.5-0.7 yuan / an eight service guarantee full guarantee helping solve real worry: this unit is complete with a variety of certification procedures, can come to inspect authenticity. Reliable guarantee: the strength of the unit, equipment and more variety, reliable quality, come to study reliability. Feasible Assurance: This unit has equipment production plant in Shanghai, customers can inspect the project feasibility free guarantee: free training in production techniques ensure logistics: transportation equipment shall be to you *, make sure you specify transported to urban areas. Parts Guarantee: This unit "quality", "Shou credibility." Offer the best prices of the same type, with the specifications of the product, the same price than quality, than the service, long-term supply of spare parts. Service Guarantee: specially equipped with a number of excellent professional and experienced service personnel tracking service, answer customer a variety of difficult problems, to meet customer demand, regular visits to customers to help train technical personnel. Cooperation guarantee: normal operations after production partners for expanded reproduction, my unit with the most favorable price and other units of other machinery, equipment and technology!
Contact Detail
Company Name: Huaibei Huiyuan Environmental Protection Technology Co...
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Contact Person: Mr. Linkui(Sales Manager)
Telephone Number: 0561-3898927
Company Address: Pioneer Park to help the congregation, Huaibei City, Anhui Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 235100
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