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Do you know where the managed houses okay Shanghai

Do you know where the managed houses okay Shanghai
Do you know where the managed houses okay Shanghai
Do you know where the managed houses okay Shanghai

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Company:Shanghai-seok Ltd
Information Name: Do you know where the managed houses okay Shanghai
Update Time:2015-01-26
Specifications:Poly Real Estate Master Managed
Price Description: RMB/
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 *** *** Shanghai Poly large real estate company web site hosting: http: //www.9369.cn Shanghai Poly-seok estate professional hosting for residential, retail and office space hosting, rent free agency fees, the company adhering to the "customer first forge ahead "business philosophy, adhere to the" customer first "principle to provide our clients with quality service, welcome customers to visit! A quarter of buyers Shanghai Six mentality based on the statistical results of the questionnaire, more than half of the respondents (51.65 %) for just need buyers, nearly forty percent (39.51%) of respondents to improve the type of buyers, investment demand for home buyers accounted for only 5.76%. Mentality: over four percent of respondents saw that shot more than four percent of the respondents (45.27%) said it would in the first quarter, saw the satisfaction of the house immediately shot. At the same time, there are still 32.3% of respondents said they would continue to wait and see, while 22.43 percent of respondents said they can not say. Mentality II: 75% of respondents pro-gaze TypeFlat the survey results show that the average residential occupy the absolute dominance of the market demand, 75.31 percent of respondents said they plan to buy ordinary housing. The fitness room needs a minimum, only 2.67 percent of respondents said they want to buy. Mindset three: 90 flat units are more popular than the survey results show that more than 90 square meters in size by the market fancied its popularity more than 90 units or less flat. Mentality four: three percent of buyers want to settle in the area of ??Pudong, Pudong most buyers are welcome, over a third of respondents made it clear that you want to settle down in this home, came in second place is Jiading, there are 13.26% of the respondents who wants to buy a house in this area, and the third is Baoshan, has 9.67 percent of the respondents love this area. Mentality five: Three factors determine the purchase of a rail, location, size in the election room showings most valued factors, most buyers are concerned about rail transport, there are 21.98% of respondents listing it as the most important buy factor. Location and family breakdown followed, respectively, 17.27%, 16.86% of buyers said that the most valued factor. Mentality of six: three factors decided not to buy a house is the restriction, and the first payment discounts survey shows that a quarter of the factors that hinder the buyers to buy a house there are varied, but the biggest reason (23.05%) that is the "restriction", and secondly Yes (21.19%) less a discount house, and the third is the first payment is not enough (20.78%). Company Name: Shanghai Poly-seok Ltd Company Website: http: //www.9369.cn Tel: 021-58217530 021-58217570 15821556880 15238687239 Address: No. 1139, Pudong Avenue, Pudong Yang Hui Shanghai Tower 2 803
Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai-seok Ltd
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Guo()
Telephone Number: 02158217530
Company Address: No. 1139 Pudong Avenue, Pudong Yang Hui Building 2 803, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
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