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Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory

Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory
Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory
Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory

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Company:Set of universally
Information Name: Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory
Update Time:2015-01-12
Price Description: RMB/
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 Stones ingredients and mineral elements content identification testing laboratory testing of rock trace element content of the elements in the original ore testing organization specializing in laboratory testing unit ore mineral elements 180-2871-9379 Chan products inspection: rock and mineral analysis laboratory, laboratory component analysis phase analysis, the whole rock composition test, clay composition testing, elemental content detection, detection of unknown minerals, rocks mine taste tests to detect chemical element content, rock and mineral identification, analysis and test various types of ore elements, non-metallic mineral composition analysis laboratory, non-ferrous metal ores component analysis laboratory, ferrous metal ores element content detection, detection of rare metal ore composition, dispersion of metal ore component detection, detection of rare earth ore composition, precious mineral elements content detection, detection of radioactive elements in metal ore, metal ore elements in laboratory analysis mineral class of chemical elements in the detection, rock class of chemical elements in the detection, clay content detection of chemical elements, stone kind of chemical elements in the detection of rare earth ore class of chemical elements in the detection routine elemental analysis: Component Analysis: Silicon (Si), manganese ( Mn), phosphorus (P), carbon (C), sulfur (S), nickel (Ni), chromium (Cr), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), titanium ( Ti), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), antimony (Sb), cadmium (Cd), bismuth (Bi), arsenic (As), sodium (Na), potassium (K), aluminum (Al), mineral identification , moisture, hardness, density, particle size, mesh, loss on ignition noble metal element analysis of silver (Ag), gold (Au), palladium (Pd), platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh), ruthenium (Ru), iridium ( Ir), osmium (Os) 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Set of universally
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Xu Lan Xin(Manager)
Telephone Number: 0755-25844177
Company Address: Bagua, Futian District, Shenzhen, Yushchenko Electrical and Mechanical Building 616, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
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