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Wuhan bus body advertising company preferred 400_063_3617 Young Lions

Wuhan bus body advertising company preferred 400_063_3617 Young Lions
Wuhan bus body advertising company preferred 400_063_3617 Young Lions
Wuhan bus body advertising company preferred 400_063_3617 Young Lions

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Company:Young Lions Media Company
Information Name: Wuhan bus body advertising company preferred 400_063_3617 Young Lions
Update Time:2015-01-12
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
 Wuhan bus body advertising company, Young Lions Media Bus (400_063_3617) in the introduction to the bus body advertising advertising liquidity so that the body of a wider audience level higher advertising reach, with its own characteristics bus body media increasingly become a large brand advertising One form of media. Wuhan Gong PDI ad serving factors can not be considered necessary. Wuhan bus body advertising firm Young Lions: factors put bus body advertising what? 1, published in the choice of running the bus line advertising budget mostly concentrated in the urban areas of the gold lines, covering downtown commercial business centers, transportation corridors, in order to cover as much of the flow of people and traffic. 2, released a reasonable number of the number of ads published. Occur if too little or too much frequency, the effect will be greatly reduced. 3, released in the form of bus body media release form of diversity advantage is incomparable to other outdoor media. In recent years, with the use of high technology, new materials, bus body advertising types and specifications have been continuously developed and expanded. 4. The release period according to product category and media combinations, take the opportunity to advertise different. According to market with advertising time difference can be divided into early release, released earlier, seasonal release. 5, as published in the model portfolio of outdoor media in the form of buses, public transport vehicles operating models for advertising effectiveness has a great impact, and therefore constitute one of the bus combination strategy of what models to choose from. Wuhan bus body advertising agency Young Lions Media, as a professional bus advertising media company, Young Lions professionals committed to providing customers with the bus body advertising communication services; strive to build demonstrate their strength, enhance brand image and expand information channels, effectively enhance sales Best outdoor advertising platform. Want to know more bus body advertising information, please contact us to discuss! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Young Lions Media Company
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Young Lions()
Telephone Number: 400-063-3617
Company Address: Guangzhou Panyu, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code:
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