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Thai-rich country seedlings, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings

Thai-rich country seedlings, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings
Thai-rich country seedlings, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings
Thai-rich country seedlings, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings

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Company:Tai'an City Guofu planting seedlings distribution coope..
Information Name: Thai-rich country seedlings, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings
Update Time:2014-10-25
Price Description: RMB/
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 Persimmon Persimmon signs efficacy of nutrients is very rich, compared with Apple, in addition to zinc and copper content higher than persimmon apple, the other ingredients are persimmon dominant. Foreign saying goes, "An apple a day persimmon seedlings, keeps the doctor away." But, to be on the prevention of cardiovascular sclerosis, the effect is much larger than persimmon apple, called heart-healthy fruit king. Therefore, "an apple a day, as a day of a persimmon." Persimmon is also characterized by iodine. Therefore, in patients with endemic goiter due to iodine deficiency, eating persimmon helpful. When most people I usually eat, but also good for the prevention of iodine deficiency. Persimmon has raised lung and stomach, Qingzao fire effect. You can tonic, hangover, cough, Lee intestine, in addition to heat, bleeding, but also to eat. Guofu planting seedlings distribution cooperatives, provincial nursery stock cooperatives, is a professional breeding base, thousands of seedlings in nursery trees, persimmon tree in the credibility of the first lap, customer-oriented principle, nursery seedlings fruit tree seedlings this year: new varieties of columnar apple; Runtai One fruit grown in a very short branches, 4-6 to enter the high yield of the trunk about three meters high, with an average trunk Results 5-8 kilograms per meter, tree plant with an annual output 15- 4-6 years 20 kg, up to 1.5 kilograms per mu, Daejeon close planting acre 1000-1100 strains of the species to produce strong, disease, cold, straight trunk, fruit surface-colored, sweet and sour taste among September In late maturity, you can also do landscaping, but also make the best varieties of pot. persimmon persimmon tree thermophilic adapt to the environment, at an average temperature of 10 ~ 21.5 ℃ place has cultivated, but with an average annual temperature of 13419 ℃ most appropriate, south where the average annual temperature of 19-21.5 ℃, poor fruit quality, prone to sunburn. Northern average annual temperature 10 ~ 13 ℃ place, individual years have frost damage occurred. Cold dormancy ability, the ability of short-term low temperature -20 ℃. Persimmon prefer warmer than astringent persimmon persimmon seedlings diagram, cold hardiness less astringent persimmon. Canton moisture persimmon root distribution and deep, strong drought resistance, the amount of annual showers 450mm above the place, usually without irrigation. But prolonged drought also affects roots, foliage and fruit growth, increased fruit drop, North Fangchun Yang Feng persimmon seedlings, autumn drought, such as the timely irrigation, could significantly increase production. Easily lead to continuous rainy summer disease epidemic. Persimmon small anvil root respiration, hypoxic environment endurance stronger than moisture. Diospyros Persimmon anvil anvil waterlogging capacity less, but more than peach, apple, pear seedlings waterlogging Thai-rich country, persimmon seedlings map, Shanxi persimmon seedlings seedlings provided by the Thai-rich country. Looking for "green seedlings planted fruit tree seedlings and distribution and wholesale, seedlings seeds wholesale, sales and other" reliable suppliers, network operators choose to have a full alliance Certified: Tai'an City Guofu planting seedlings distribution cooperatives (www.tagfmp.com), integrity reliable, now click on the "Business Alliance customer service" on page live chat with us now! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Tai'an City Guofu planting seedlings distribution coope..
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Chen()
Telephone Number: 0538-8911612
Company Address: High-tech Zone in Tai'an City, Taian City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 271000
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