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Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings

Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings
Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings
Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings

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Company:Tai'an City Guofu planting seedlings distribution coope..
Information Name: Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings
Update Time:2014-10-25
Price Description: RMB/
Inquire Now
Thai-rich country seedlings | Sell persimmon seedlings | Henan persimmon seedlings seedlings provided by the Thai-rich country. We are a country rich in Tai'an City, planting seedlings distribution cooperatives (www.tagfmp.com) located: Shandong Taian specializes in: fruit tree seedlings as well as distribution and wholesale green seedlings planted seedlings seeds wholesale, sales and other rich countries Tai'an City is committed persimmon seedlings nursery perennial development and nurture, welcome to inquire. Thai-rich country nursery Tip: beef heart persimmon named because of the shape of beef heart. Long history, reputation, is the local people in the long-term cultivation practice, screening out a fine varieties. Beef heart persimmon persimmon Persimmon Branch of quality seedlings, deciduous trees sold persimmon seedlings, early June flowering, flowering 7-12 days, beef heart-shaped fruit, and the top was nipple-like projections, the fruit from green to yellow, October ripe fruit color orange. One specialty protection for our landmark, both at home and abroad enjoy a high reputation. Deastringency eat crisp liqueur cakes, baked eating juicy and sweet, sun-dried beef heart persimmon, sweetness, less fiber, soft texture, and taste sweet and delicious, people want to have food after being re-thinking. The persimmon in cold water stirred into persimmon pulp disc can persimmon tree, and honey can be comparable, distinctive flavor. Persimmons contain tannin, easy to combine with iron, thus impeding the body's absorption of dietary iron, so anemic patients should be eating. People with diabetes eat. A lot of cedar seedlings, pepper seedlings, honeysuckle seedlings, persimmon seedlings results after 4-6 years of age Persimmon grafting results, 10 to 15 years into the flourishing. As management is good, up to a hundred years or more full fruit persimmon seedlings, economic life of up to 250 years Leica fruit tree seedling late surge of 6-7 year results. Flowering and fruit growth of 30 to 40 days after flowering and development of persimmon leaf, usually flowering 6 to 12 days. Fruit growth and development can be roughly divided into three stages: the first stage is 60 days after flowering, the rapid expansion of the young fruit. The second stage is the mid-July to mid-September, the fruit long stop, volume enlargement was among interest status. The third stage is to begin in mid-September coloring harvest, there is an obvious increase in fruit. With the increase of the fruit, the gradual accumulation of nutrients, increasing the sugar content, tannin content was gradually reduced by soluble becomes insoluble. Stalk no separation at maturity, it is not easy picking. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Tai'an City Guofu planting seedlings distribution coope..
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Chen()
Telephone Number: 0538-8911612
Company Address: High-tech Zone in Tai'an City, Taian City, Shandong Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 271000
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