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Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money

Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money

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Company:Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Update Time:2014-10-23
Price Description: RMB/
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Shenzhen coil winding machine _ coil winding machine manufacturers _ Dandi automate your peace of mind and money provided by the Dongguan Dandi automation. Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.ddrxj.com) have been "Business League certification", please rest assured purchase through the entire network, click on the page check "Business League certification icons" of our authentication information. You can also click on the "Business Alliance Service Icons" on this page directly contact our customer service! Dandi technical parameters of a coil winding machine, spindle motor: Fuji servo motor 2, the machine axes: three axes (S, X, Y) 3, spindle speed: 3000 r / min 4, stop angle: ± 1 ° 5 adapt diameter: 0.02 ~ 0.5mm coil winding machine company, according to the selection can be to 0.8mm 6, cable width: 10mm (MAX) 7, shear line precision: 0.01mm 8, machine power supply: 220V / AC 9 consuming electricity: 3KVA 10, applies pressure: 6KGF / c㎡ 11, machine size: 1080 * 600 * 1200MM 12, machine weight: 200KG winding machine used in the process will inevitably be a variety of Problem coil winding machine manufacturers, Dandi for you to share some simple maintenance methods: 1. use of various components such as adjustable tension winding machine, the screen voltage, cable racks and other adjustable starting position adjustment member, in maintenance is a simple but effective way easy. By adjusting the adjustable parts, fix some innocuous failures. As an enterprise servicing a winding machine used for many years, the system displays the screen dull, regulated supply voltage after the normal screen. 2 spare replacement method in winding machine maintenance, runs good spare parts to replace suspected faulty parts, maintenance personnel to determine the basic cause of the failure, this method can be used to quickly diagnose the fault of the scope and winding machine quickly put into normal operation , and then the bad parts returned for repair, which is currently the most common troubleshooting approach. 3 to improve the Environmental Quality Act for some very strange fault self-adhesive coil winding machine, with the exclusion substitution method could not find a reason, often need to start from the surrounding environment, the environment is generally divided into two kinds, power and space. Improvements can be regulated, isolated power supply coil winding machines to improve fluctuations from the power supply, for some high-frequency interference from the power supply capacitor filter method can be used by these preventive measures to reduce failures caused because the power increase and Check the ground is good but also very necessary. The reason there are a variety of spatial interference, dust, gas, etc., the foundation's impractical, vibration, space radiation interference and so on, and so forth, you need an experienced maintenance technicians and specialized equipment to detect and maintain. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhu Kang Water()
Telephone Number: 0769-33213837
Company Address: Eun-joo Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Zhou Wu Industrial District No. 3 3, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523118
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