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Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money

Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money

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Company:Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
Information Name: Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automation allows you peace of mind and money
Update Time:2014-10-23
Price Description: RMB/
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Shenzhen coil winding machines, coil winding machine company, Dandi automate your peace of mind and money provided by the Dongguan Dandi automation. Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. (www.ddrxj.com) have been "Business League certification", please rest assured purchase through the entire network, click on the page check "Business League certification icons" of our authentication information. You can also click on the "Business Alliance Service Icons" on this page directly contact our customer service! Winding machine and other mechanical operations there is a certain danger magnetic coil winding machine, Dongguan City, Automation Equipment Co. Dandi remind you must pay attention to the safe operation: one, the power switch should be checked before work, brake switch is normal. Wear the required PPE, non-native operating personnel is strictly prohibited. 2, check the collar should be preceded by winding skeleton, copper specification is consistent with the production and use. Planned by job properly requisitioned materials. 3, the first frame is attached to the winding machine, and a good composite pad of paper, and then wire wrapped around a few times to the skeleton. Molds, skeleton, wire fixed to start after winding. 4, press the switch to the rated laps wound coil winding machine company, stop, cut wire, remove the coil around good, installed plastic head and then into the working chamber. Do not touch when winding winding machine. 5, good, "the first three inspections" and often self-test workpiece quality of operations. Often self-test, not "a wound in the end," 6, the operation found that when the screw is loose and abnormal sounds, should be immediately reported and timely maintenance. Do not dismantle the device. 7, maintenance equipment, should be first off the power before. Do not live in equipment repair runtime. 8, around the machine and work surfaces should be kept clean. Prohibit dumping of machined parts, job site shall not be placed debris. 9, work finished off the power switch, cleaned up the winding machine. Consciously adhere to good maintenance of equipment. 10, should clean up the job site before work. Clean up the work site, machined parts and machined parts to be placed neatly self-adhesive coil winding machine, keep the site clean and tidy. Dandi company to introduce you to the characteristics of the hollow coil winding machine: (1) to the Japanese, led by a Japanese special, Tanaka and Chesapeake, several large companies, mainly in Zhejiang, Jiangsu and Guangdong region; (2) Korea Department of smaller models, production coil relatively simple, mainly for the market for mobile phone vibration motor, the larger size of the coil winding has some difficulties. Its main markets located in Shandong (including Qingdao, Yantai, Weihai); (3) China - Taiwan winding machine manufacturers mainly Taiwan legislature, Delta, Wei Huang and Wei Lida (ranked Humen), etc., in the market in order to "Manual machine" famous. (4) In addition, the domestic production of automatic winding machine manufacturers are also 7-8 at home, as seamounts Ben, Woori, etc., but do not have strong technical support. (But are lacking independent research and development and technological innovation ability of coil winding machines, mostly imitation ANDORIN based on the first-generation prototype, there are some limitations on the technical and practical) "ANDORIN" company for the shortcomings exist and P51 deficiencies, continuous improvement, innovation, its technological level and stability and day special machine no less (equivalent to the current market the previous day special 40 series and 60 series), "ANDORIN" produced by winding machine, far leading series of similar equipment at home and abroad. Which automatic fork-type coil winding machines and automatic winding machine has been a national innovation patent. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan Di Automation Equipment Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhu Kang Water()
Telephone Number: 0769-33213837
Company Address: Eun-joo Road, Dongcheng District, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, Zhou Wu Industrial District No. 3 3, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 523118
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