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CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | CNC lathe machining company in Dongguan

CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | CNC lathe machining company in Dongguan
CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | CNC lathe machining company in Dongguan
CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | CNC lathe machining company in Dongguan

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Company:Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Hardware Co.
Information Name: CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | CNC lathe machining company in Dongguan
Update Time:2014-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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 Machinery and equipment has gradually appeared in the horizon which, but also the extraordinary achievements. It appears to replace the manual mode of production, greatly increasing the speed of production of parts, improve production quality parts, expanding the field of application of CNC lathe machining parts, stimulating economic development. This is the leap of the times, but also the times required, otherwise it is difficult to create social prosperity. Automatic lathe processing machinery and equipment production indispensable processing equipment, greatly increasing the quality and efficiency of production equipment, improve efficiency to maximize the value of these devices. It's not pompous, automatic lathe parts are the main producers of medium-sized machinery and equipment, the source of the equipment through these parts, as these devices can have a better assembly plays a real strength. Automatic lathe processing is mainly controlled by the computer program, can be more procedural requirements, to produce high quality, high precision parts, to maximize compliance with mechanical equipment. At the same time it has the following advantages: to choose based on the reliability, reliability is to improve product quality and production efficiency guarantee. Reliability refers to the CNC machine when the machine performs its function under specified conditions, stable operation for a long time without fail. That MTBF for a long time, even if a fault, a short time to recover CNC lathe machining parts supplier, back into use. Reasonable choice of structure, fine workmanship, and mass production of machine tools. In general, the more users Dongguan CNC lathe processing company, the higher the reliability of the CNC system. In order to maximize the production of high precision parts products, must have a high degree of intelligence such as automatic lathe processing equipment, capable of producing high requirements, good quality parts, providing the majority of consumers. Sen Hui Hardware teach you in the processing of automatic lathes to seriously implement the following general provisions relating lathe: 1, alignment of the workpiece, the only allowed move chuck hand panel or open a minimum speed alignment, are not allowed to open high-speed alignment. 2, changing the direction of spindle rotation, after first stopping the spindle, are not allowed to suddenly change the direction of rotation. 3, when handling chuck, restricted to the V-belt driven spindle turning hand turning line standard CNC lathe machining parts, the absolute prohibition of direct starting machine forced loosen or tighten. At the same time to pad plank bed surface, to prevent accidents. 4, the tool should not be stretched too long to install, gaskets to Euparagonimus, consistent with the width of the bottom surface of the tool width. 5, are not allowed to work in the open approach to anti-car brake spindle rotation. CNC lathe machining parts | Mori exchange for the processing of parts and raw | Dongguan CNC lathe processing hardware provided by the forest sinks. Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Hardware Co. (www.senhui998.com) in stamping, plastic molding, mold development and other industries have high visibility, integrity management, both quality of service, welcome to inquire or consult our "commercial Union Service "it! 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Hardware Co.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 0769-83466100
Company Address: Wong Chung Ming Avenue, Xinglong Road, Dongguan City, Shek Pai Zhenmiao side WUCUN, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518004
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