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CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe machining parts

CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe machining parts
CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe machining parts
CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe machining parts

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Company:Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Hardware Co.
Information Name: CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe machining parts
Update Time:2014-04-18
Price Description: RMB/
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CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ Dongguan machining parts CNC lathe processing hardware provided by Mori sink. CNC lathe machining parts _ Sen Hui was born _ machined parts CNC lathe machining parts, Dongguan Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Co., Ltd (www.senhui998.com) 2014 upgrade been newly introduced automatic lathe machining process is a copies, there are two main processing forms: one is the fixed Dongguan CNC lathe turning parts, unformed workpiece rotation, the other is fixed to the workpiece, the workpiece is rotating at high speed through a non-standard CNC lathe machining parts, Tool (knife) lateral and longitudinal movement carried out precision machining. 1, easy to ensure the accuracy of each machined surface of the workpiece; machining the workpiece around a fixed axis of rotation, each surface has the same axis of rotation, it is easy to ensure that the requirements of concentricity between the machined surface; 2, the cutting process is relatively stable; Apart intermittent surface outside lathing process is carried out continuously under normal circumstances, unlike milling and planing, in one pass during tooth has repeatedly cut and cut out pieces of CNC lathe, an impact; Sen sinks Hardware teach you in the processing of automatic lathes to seriously implement the following general provisions relating lathe: 1, alignment of the workpiece, the only allowed move chuck hand panel or open a minimum speed alignment, are not allowed to open high-speed alignment. 2, changing the direction of spindle rotation CNC lathe machining parts supplier, after first stopping the spindle, are not allowed to suddenly change the direction of rotation. 3, when handling chuck, only allowed hand turn belt driven spindle rotation triangle line, absolutely prohibits direct starting machine forced loosen or tighten. At the same time to pad plank bed surface, to prevent accidents. 4, the tool should not be stretched too long to install, gaskets to Euparagonimus, consistent with the width of the bottom surface of the tool width. 5, are not allowed to work in the open approach to anti-car brake spindle rotation. 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Dongguan City, Shek Pai Sen Hui Hardware Co.
Employee Number:
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Contact Person: Mr. Zhang()
Telephone Number: 0769-83466100
Company Address: Wong Chung Ming Avenue, Xinglong Road, Dongguan City, Shek Pai Zhenmiao side WUCUN, Dongguan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518004
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