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Long Electronics Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou
Long Electronics Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou
★ Jaton Series 1: USB interface, MODEM, 50 speed of light 2: to provide a variety of different types of metal resistance. 2: Taiwan Bowen IPC series. 3: The full range of AC and DC axial fan. 4: China's logistics consulting and free services. 5: provide web production. 6: free electronic check services. 7: Free e-commerce consulting. (more>>)
Main Products:
Main Market: Computer
Contact Detail
Company Name: Long Electronics Co., Ltd. in Guangzhou
Employee Number:
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. ()
Telephone Number:
Company Address: Dragon Building, Longkou Road, Tianhe District, the new SEG Electronics City 2007-2008, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 510630
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