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Our factory is located in the old times, economically developed east coast of China, Zhejiang Yuhuan, is a professional production of ribs bed frame, starting bed frame, iron bed and other furniture accessories professional file factory, the spirit of "strength Makoto, Makoto vitality" of target steady progress, Our spirit of "quality as the core, as the standard satisfaction" business philosophy, the implementation of large-scale production, product by Zhejiang Technical Supervision Inspection Center Furniture qualified (GB/T3328-1997, GB/T10357.6 -1992). Plant development "Makoto" brand series of bed, bed frame by which a national patent 2004200876421 ribs. Our "faith-based" creative dedicated to providing our customers with perfect service. (more>>)
Main Products: Iron bed bed frame bed frame ribs start bar, bed stall sliding door pulleys connected iron fittings Stamping
Main Market: Truman Kamata Industrial Zone
Contact Detail
Company Name: Yuhuan Makoto FURNITURE FACTORY
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established: 1997
Contact Person: Mr. Yuhuan Makoto FURNITURE FACTORY Huang Xiaobin()
Telephone Number: 86 0576 87425018
Company Address: Yuhuan County, Qing Hong Kong Science and Technology Industrial Park, , Zhejiang, China
Zip/Postal Code: 317605
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