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Qinghe County Tai Fung Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Qinghe County Tai Fung Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Qinghe County Tai Fung Rubber Products Co., Ltd., was founded in 1993 through the vicissitudes of life, work hard, all the friends in the community care and support. Has been considerable development, the company has expanded rapidly growing strength. Now has a considerable size of the seal industry, in which we Taifeng express my sincere thanks to all the friends in the community and all those who support the company. The company is located in Wu's hometown hero Wu Song Tiger - Qinghe, Beijing-Kowloon Railway and National Highway 308 from the county to wear through, very convenient transportation, freight to and from very convenient. The company mainly produces ethylene propylene diene monomer (EPDM) rubber seal, EPDM sponge (foam) rubber seal, compact - sponge - steel core three composi.. (more>>)
Main Products: EPDM
Main Market:
Contact Detail
Company Name: Qinghe County Tai Fung Rubber Products Co., Ltd.
Employee Number:
Annual export:
Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wei Chi House(Sales General Manager)
Telephone Number: 86 0319 8035678
Company Address: 36 Xiaotun Qinghe County Industrial Zone, , Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 054802
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