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Run cited Anping Wire Mesh Products Co.
Run cited Anping Wire Mesh Products Co.
Run cited Anping Wire Mesh Products Co. is located in the National Hardware Association to the name of "China's Rural screen" Anping, Hebei Province, is specialized in mesh, lead net production and R & D manufacturers. My company mainly produces lead mesh, galvanized mesh, iron screens, the eye network, food security net, mortar network, hand wall network, gray mesh pocket, filters, filter mesh, spray screens, steel mesh, construction mesh , welded wire mesh, spray mesh, floor heating mesh, seedbed mesh, mushroom mesh, estazolam board network and other products, the surface can be galvanized, dip, are widely used in roads, bridges, airports, gardens, public spaces, squares, highways, railways, roads, factories, industrial, construction, coal mining stone, sand, screening materials, liquid.. (more>>)
Main Products: Lead network; architectural mesh; welded wire mesh; iron screens; hand wall network
Main Market:
Contact Detail
Company Name: Run cited Anping Wire Mesh Products Co.
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Year Established:
Contact Person: Mr. Wang Sha(Business Manager)
Telephone Number: 86 0318 7876665
Company Address: Anping Anping embankment Eddy Wong and rural Development, , Hebei Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 053600
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