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Shanghai home maintenance company to repair the floor
Shanghai home maintenance company to repair the floor
From 1996 the company began in the furniture industry since ... professional repair Shanghai home maintenance repair wood products: professional repair mahogany furniture, solid wood furniture, furniture, solid wood doors, composite doors, wood floors, staircases, wood carvings, handicrafts, etc. scratches, bruises, dents, holes, cracking, breaking, patent leather off, from the package ...... .. and so repair, partial Diaoqi up paint, broken furniture can be restored so ever, no signs of breakage! For service, please make an appointment in advance Shanghai wood flooring, solid wood furniture repair maintenance repair 5 maintenance of various solid wood furniture, flooring, wood flooring, furniture, solid wood doors, composite doors, wood floors, staircases, wood carvings, handicrafts, suc.. (more>>)
Main Products: Wood floor maintenance, polished floors, floor renovation, flooring, floor disassembly,
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Contact Detail
Company Name: Shanghai home maintenance company to repair the floor
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Contact Person: Mr. Chow()
Telephone Number: 021-62319502
Company Address: Shanghai Xuhui District, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Zip/Postal Code: 200023
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