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Shenzhen billion Weishi Flow Control Ltd.
Shenzhen billion Weishi Flow Control Ltd.
Shenzhen billion Weishi Flow Control Co., fluid pressure measurement and control equipment and solutions provider, founded in 1999, 10 years has been focused on the development and innovation of fluid pressure measurement and control technology. Is committed to helping customers improve product quality, safety, life and provide a reliable development, testing and verification methods. Weiss million products and solutions cover the areas of petroleum, aviation, aerospace, military vehicles, fire, pressure vessels, pipes and so on. Hydrostatic testing machine, blasting test machine, air tightness test machine, life (pulse, fatigue, alternating pressure) test machine, wellhead valve control systems and other products have been widely used in China National Petroleum Corporation, China Petrol.. (more>>)
Main Products: Testing Machine
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Contact Detail
Company Name: Shenzhen billion Weishi Flow Control Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Miss Xia(Marketing Marketing Manager)
Telephone Number: 86 0755 88898859
Company Address: Shiyan Street, Bao'an District, Shenzhen Jie Jia Po paddy Community on the 9th Yi Song Ecological Technology Park, Building A, Shenzhen City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 518000
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