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Machine Tool Accessories Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Run
Machine Tool Accessories Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Run
Zhongshan Run Machine Parts Co., Ltd. is machine lubrication pumps, machine lubrication systems, lubrication fittings, lubrication oil separator, lubrication accessories and other professional production and processing company, has a complete and scientific quality management system. Integrity, strength and quality of Zhongshan Run Machine Parts Co., Ltd. by the industry recognition. Welcome friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation. Is one of the most famous professional lubrication pump manufacturers, is a professional research and production of various types of advanced centralized lubrication oil installations of high-tech enterprises. The company product range, with straight-through, resistance type, displacement, and other progressive dry oil lubrication device products. W.. (more>>)
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Contact Detail
Company Name: Machine Tool Accessories Co., Ltd. Zhongshan Run
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Contact Person: Mr. Miss Ho(Sales)
Telephone Number: 86 0760 22830921
Company Address: Zhongshan, Zhongshan City, Guangdong, China
Zip/Postal Code: 528400
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