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Electronic Scale Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Branch ho
Electronic Scale Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Branch ho
Fuzhou Branch ho electronic weighing Ltd. is a research and development, design, sales and maintenance services for the integration of electronic weighing specialist. Long-term commitment to research and development in various fields of electronic weighing, for customers to design and provide products to meet their own needs and quality service is our consistent pursuit. Main: full electronic truck scale, digital truck scale, steel-concrete (cement) truck countertops, proof truck scale, floor scale, cushion scale, electronic crane scale, electronic scales, belt scale, balance scales, livestock scales, electronic weighing scale and a series of track and accessories. Weighing the field in more than ten years of professional experience, professional and technical personnel accounting for ab.. (more>>)
Main Products: Weighbridge, weighbridge Fujian, Fujian truck scale, truck scale, electronic scales
Main Market: Nationwide
Contact Detail
Company Name: Electronic Scale Co., Ltd. Fuzhou Branch ho
Employee Number: 11 - 50 persons
Annual export: 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 CNY
Year Established: 2013
Contact Person: Mr. Zhang(Department Manager)
Telephone Number: -059163122656
Company Address: No. 10, Palit Road Taijiang, Fuzhou City, Fujian Province, China
Zip/Postal Code: 350000
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