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Philips HD11 XE ultrasound

Philips HD11 XE ultrasound
Philips HD11 XE ultrasound
Philips HD11 XE ultrasound

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Company:He Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Mary Terrace
Information Name: Philips HD11 XE ultrasound
Update Time:2015-07-06
Specifications:State Food and Drug Administration armed (into) word 2012
Price Description: RMB/
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Philips HD11 XE HD11 XE ultrasound system is a fully digital imaging system with a compact, ergonomic design and reliable performance, can provide high-resolution imaging, and easy to use, you can at any time according to your clinical needs expand . Fully equipped, powerful Philips beamforming, automated image optimization tools, and other clinically proven technologies in this fully functional system. Both public and private hospitals, or community clinic or a hospital, HD11 XE systems are an ideal ultrasound system. It builds on a scalable platform, to ensure Philips' customer support Gold Project ", to ensure that your investment is not lost. Powerful cardiovascular ultrasound imaging capabilities and load HD11 XE has multiple functions, expanded into a complete digital cardiovascular imaging system for further clinical application and value. You will also be able to add powerful options such as QLAB advanced quantification software, stress echocardiography, contrast imaging and transesophageal echocardiography, etc., to further enhance your cardiovascular imaging capabilities. The fully integrated stress echocardiography options to the user interface, and has sufficient flexibility to allow users to get quick and high-resolution images. Anatomical M-mode, it is possible to ventricular wall and ejection fraction were more accurate measurements; even for abnormal shape or position of the heart, can maintain M-mode line perpendicular to the anatomy. Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI), including color tissue Doppler imaging and pulsed wave Doppler tissue imaging, direction, and time for the assessment of myocardial activity phase, showing the vessel wall motion and cardiac tissue velocity. Local anesthesia and emergency kit price is extremely economical application specific configuration, ultrasound-guided regional anesthesia and emergency treatment, and can help you enjoy convenient operation while obtaining superior image quality.
Contact Detail
Company Name: He Technology Co., Ltd. Beijing Mary Terrace
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Contact Person: Mr. Lei()
Telephone Number: 18910938837
Company Address: Xicheng District, Beijing Malian, , , China
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