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Factory direct pert to warm the pipe pe-rt

Factory direct pert to warm the pipe pe-rt
Factory direct pert to warm the pipe pe-rt
Factory direct pert to warm the pipe pe-rt

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Company:Suzhou Wang Ding Water Ltd.
Information Name: Factory direct pert to warm the pipe pe-rt
Update Time:2015-04-30
Price Description: RMB/
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 Features PERT pipe 1. Light weight, easy transportation, installation and construction. 2. With good flexibility, making it convenient and economical when laying pipes in the construction of production can reduce the use of pipe bending by coiling and other methods to reduce construction costs. 3. pipe bending, bending stress may soon be part of the relaxation, no "rebound" phenomenon, to facilitate construction operations. The small inner pipe friction losses, the ability of such fluid delivery tube diameter metal tube with a large ratio of 30%. 5. The low temperature embrittlement. Pipe has excellent low temperature performance, and therefore in the case of low temperature in winter can also be construction, and when bent pipe without preheating. 6. Good chemical resistance, no rust, long life. 7. Good environmental adaptability. 8. In the operating temperature of 70 ° C under a pressure of 0.4MPa conditions, can be used safely for more than 50 years. 9. The pipe does not add any toxic additives in the production process. Wall smooth, non-scaling, no bacteria, can be safely used in drinking water, transportation and other fields. 10. 5 times the impact resistance is PVC-U pipes. 11. The heat pressure resistance. 12. Can melt and mechanical connection, reliable, does not leak. The PE-X can only mechanically. 13. Green product, recyclable. 14. The temperature resistance, under appropriate conditions of pressure can be used for 50 years; good low temperature frost 15. The performance, also has excellent impact resistance, suitable for winter construction; 16. Good chemical resistance, life long; 17. non-toxic, odorless, good health performance; 18. Light weight, good flexibility, can coil supplier; 
Contact Detail
Company Name: Suzhou Wang Ding Water Ltd.
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Contact Person: Mr. Ning Huili()
Telephone Number: 0512-63879558-8000
Company Address: Wu Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, village Zhenze Lin Hong Kong, Suzhou , Jiangsu Province, China
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